Each capital is familiar with popular songs. With the rhythm, they can't help humming, guessing songs and aftertaste, simple and happy. Multiple modes 1. Guess song plays normally 2. Guess the song backwards 3. Racing mode 4. Jumping notes more What...
joy, rapid vibration of wings, the surrounding silence, reverberating humming of a song. 遥遥跋涉而来,仿佛寻觅了许久,蓦然回首,伊人已亭亭阑珊处。难抑欢欣,快速振动双翅,寂静的四野,回荡一片嗡嗡的鸣唱。英文解释 adj. 1.characterized by reverberation 网络释义 reverberating 反焰; 回荡; reverberating echo...