Guess Who: Directed by Amelia Moses. With Keeya King, Corteon Moore, Vanessa Jackson, Elizabeth Saunders. A family visit turns deadly when a psychotic killer, hiding behind an unusual tradition, shows up with one target and only one target in mind.
Review ofGuess Who Guess Who(2005) Bernie Mac and Ashton was Great! 24 April 2005 "Many of the critics of this movie need to chill out. "Guess Who?" is meant to be a light-hearted look at what happens with interracial dating in the modern world;it is not meant to be taken so ser...
Review ofGuess Who Guess Who(2005) 6/10 What 28 years is all about 26 February 2006 While I am still trying to catch up on the movies I missed last year, I was also celebrating 28 years of marriage to the same woman. I mean I am a guy that can't not smoke for 28 minutes; w...
[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.] Read More Report 2 MrMovieBuff Aug 25, 2016 'Guess Who' is a dry comedy, a remake of the classic 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' (1967), only this time, it has a race role reversal, where the original film was about a white fa...
《Guess Who's Coming to Dinner》:影史上第一个黑白吻镜头 具有崇高理想的伟大电影 这篇影评可能有剧透 1967年由导演斯坦利·克雷默执导的电影《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》首次探讨了种族婚恋问题。影片的主要情节都在室内发生,剪接流畅有力,剧情步步为营,手法与意义不会因为时代的变迁而丧失其光辉,是小格局反映大问题的...
MovieWeb sits down for an interview with the comedian... By MW Staff Mar 24, 2005 zorro Your first look at Underworld 2, xXx2, The Legend of Zorro, Zathura and Memoirs of a Geisha Oliver Twist, Fun with Dick & Jane, Hitch, Man of the House and Guess Who...Sony's...
The Guess Who: Haunted: Directed by George A. Johnson. With Derek Sharp, Garry Peterson, Leonard Shaw, Rudy Sarzo.
法律允许不同肤色人结婚,但人心观念没有改变~用一段父亲的演说诠释了电影的高潮~用一场晚餐揭示了美国社会以及全世界长期存在的种族歧视问题。更多的是父母在子女恋爱方面给予更多宽容。女主当时在社会和恐吓信的压力下夺得奥斯卡影后实属不易~ 有用0 没用0 这篇影评有剧透 ...
Movie book : Guess Who's Killing Movies? 剛好看到一月號的「世界電影」出現焦雄屏的文章,讓我突然想回書櫃翻出1985年6月初版的舊書:焦雄屏看電影.好萊塢系列 對於沒有受過影視學院訓練的我,她從八十年代開始於聯合報刊出的系列影評,堪稱是電影普羅教育的震撼彈,她啟發我:就算不是從事電影專業,也要做個講求電影...
Guess Who Rated This Movie: Identifying Users Through Subspace Clustering It is often the case that, within an online recommender system, multiple users share a common account. Can such shared accounts be identified solely on the... A Zhang,N Fawaz,S Ioannidis,... - Twenty-eighth Conference ...