Unit1: P16/CD1:15 ANNA: Can we play 'Guess what?’ LILY: Good idea, Anna, I’ll start. It’s very big. It begins with T. LUCAS: Is it a tree ? LILY: Yes! Your turn. LUCAS: It’s small and green. TOM: Erm. A leaf? LUCAS: Yes! TOM: MY turn. It' s black and white...
Then,Ihave lunch atschoolwith myfriends.What doyou do in the afternoon Lily? LILY: I go home in the afternoon.And I have dinner with my family in the evening.Whatdoyou doafter dinner Lucas? LUCAS:I have a shower. Then I go to bed at night. And that's theend ofmy day ! Unit5...
所属专辑:guess what 猜你喜欢 2704 春unit1 by:XiaoBao0219 2.1万 Super Minds5 Unit5-Unit7 by:莱恩美语 2.6万 Super Minds5 Unit2-Unit5 by:莱恩美语 2.1万 Super Minds5 Unit7-Unit9 by:莱恩美语 2106 Super minds4 unit5-unit9 by:Aleevia ...
飞速鱼FlutterEnglish创作的外语有声书作品飞速鱼英语Guess What 3,目前已更新74个声音,收听最新音频章节13-Unit 5-p67-part 1。
280 -- 3:30 App Guess what 3 Unit3 无字幕 Which animals are nocturnal 118 -- 4:31 App Guess what 4 Unit4 无字幕 What Animal group is it 102 -- 3:08 App Guess what 2 Unit6 视频带字幕 51 -- 4:15 App Guess what 4 Unit3 无字幕 What type of work is it 115 -- 4:...
Unit1: P16/CD1:15 ANNA: Can we play 'Guess what?’ LILY: Good idea, Anna, I’ll start. It’s very big. It begins with T. LUCAS: Is it a tree ? LILY: Yes! Your turn. LUCAS: It’s small and green. TOM: Erm. A leaf? LUCAS: Yes! TOM: MY turn. It' s black and white...
guess what lesson unit3 Unit3schooldaysLesson1 Let’sreview Recyclingbin paper can bottle cardboard Let’sreview Chinese Math English Science Let’ssingasong Daysoftheweek Monday Tuesday wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday3Monday4 Wednesday2 week1 根据英语说出汉语单词.Thursday5 Friday6...
It is3. Circle the locations of the cities, and underline the interestingthings in the cities. 4A Let's read.1. Look at the pictures. Guess what the pas-sage is about.2. Read and fill in the blanks.Today, Angel flies around China. She vi-sits three interesting cities.UnitFirst, she...
剑桥少儿英语课程Guess What Level 2课程级别入门级 培训周期一周以内 培训时间全日制 咨询电话 400-800-2178 免费通话 申请试听 课程说明 课程级别 入门级 培训周期 一周以内 上课时间 全日制 上课地址 北京朗阁朝阳国贸校区/海淀中关村校区/朝阳永安里校区/朝阳尚都校区/朝阳望京校区 课程简介 Guess What Level 2 ...