Don't know where to start guessing? There's a clue area which describes the meaning of the phrase to help you get started. Features: - Hundreds of phrases and proverbs to solve in a fun guessing-game format. - Clean and beautiful user interface. ...
The Phrase Game with EVERYONE 0人预约 九游预约 Guess the Image (English) 0人预约 九游预约 guess Pic Learn English test your english 1人预约 九游预约 Amazing Wheel - Word & Phrase 0人预约 九游预约 English Guess The Phrase 0人预约 九游预约 Guess the Words : English Vocabulary Quiz 0人预约 ...
◊ In responding to a question, the phrase I guess (so) is used as an informal way of agreeing or saying “yes” when you are not certain or not very excited or interested. “Are you hungry?”“I guess.” “This one looks better, doesn't it?”“I guess so.” ◊ The ph...
One of the most addictive trivia game is here. This app is different from other emoji guess apps as it provides multiple options instead of spelling answers. App is simple identify the combination of emojis select the answer from three options and move to next. If you do not know he answer...
This is a guessing game where you uncovers phrases by guessing which letters and words are in the mystery phrase. You can learn the meanings of various proverbs and idioms while playing the game.The game-play is similar to the classic Hangman game, but with proverbs, idioms, wise-sayings an...
PhraseguidinggameexampleExample1Imalwayswithyou,butyoucantseeme.WhatamI?Answer:ShadowExample2Ihavecitiesbutnohouses,forestsbutnotrees,riverswithoutwater.WhatamI?Answer:AmapExample3Iamsomethingthatyougiveawaytokeep.WhatamI?Answer:Asmile Skill2ThinkoutsidetheboxandconsidermultiplepossibilitiesSometimestheanswerisnot...
Guess BTS Title Songs by English phrase Quiz Game游戏简介 试图找出英文词组代表什么猜BTS的歌曲。有些人可能很难和一些不那么辛苦。英语短语将帮助您不是全部,所以不要上当。让我们开始游戏。玩得开心,祝你好运 :)率,如果你喜欢它分享吧!完成所有级别,不放弃,证明你是一个真正的BTS风扇。防弹少年团(韩文:...
a你应该知道自己追求的方向是什么,不要盲 You should know oneself pursues the direction is any, do not have to be blind[translate] a游戏是关于猜英语词组 The game is about guesses English phrase[translate]
Hangman Game This program allows the user to play Hangman. It imports phrases from a file called phrases.txt, categorizes them into easy, medium, and hard based on their position in the file, and lets the user guess the phrase. The game displays the phrase as a series of blanks and upd...
ThegamebeginswithoneplayerposingaridetothegroupTheotherplayersthenhaveanopportunitytoseetheanswerIfnooneguidescorrectlywithinaspecifiedtimelimit,therideposerequirestheanswersandearnsapointPlaythenpassestothenextplayer,whoposesanewride,andtheprocesscontinuesuntilsomewins Participantrolesandtasks 要点一 Rolls 要点二 Ta...