One report by the United Nations said the largest mega-region today is in China. The megacities included in this region are Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.However, a mega-region does not have to be limited to one country. In West Africa, a mega-region connects four countries: Nigeria...
However, a mega-region does not have to be lmited toone country In West Africa, a mega-region connects four countries: Nigeria, Benin,Togo, and Ghana.An important fact about mega-regions is how much economic power they have.Research by the United Nations found that 66% of cconomic ...
However, a mega-region does not have to be limited toone country. In West Africa, a mega-region connects four countries: Nigeria, Benin,Togo, and Ghana.An important fact about mega-regions is how much economic power they have.Research by the United Nations found that 66% of economic ...