import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class random { public static void main(String[] args) { int j = 0; // 用户输入的整数变量 int count = 0; // 计数变量 int i = 0; // 随机数变量 System.out.println("欢迎来到猜数字游戏"); Random r = new Random(); i = ...
1 急求0-1000猜数字游戏用JAVA,method做。麻烦哪位帮我写一下,急要。 要用Method写。最简单的就好。谢谢了。 题目是这个。 Guess a number. In this game, the computer will generate a number between 0 -1000 and the user must guess this number. After each guess, the computer will either say th...
上机的代码 import java.util.*; public class guessNumber { public int randomNumber() { int max = 10, num; num = (int) (Math.random() * max) +1; // 产生一个随机数 return num; } public int judgeNumber(String str) { int type = 0,num = 0; boolean result = false; String end...
def guess_number(): number_to_guess = random.randint(1, 100) guess = None attempts = 0 while guess != number_to_guess: guess = int(input("猜一个1到100之间的数字: ")) attempts += 1 if guess < number_to_guess: print("太小了!") elif guess > number_to_guess: print("太大了!
GuessNumber is a guess-the-number(1A2B) puzzle game implemented in Java. It's a very simple implementation, which only has command line interface. In other words, it's a text-based game. - GitHub - magiclen/GuessNumber: GuessNumber is a guess-the-number( Java (can be run from command line) numguess.jq:jqscript (requires v1.6 or above) numguess.lua: Lua terminal numguess.pas: Pascal (Turbo Pascal 6.0, FreePascal) numguess.php: PHP (CLI) Perl numguess.prg: dBase IV ...
Code: import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class game1 { public static int number, guess, maxValue; public static Scanner scan; public static Random rand; public static void main(String[] args) { scan = new Scanner(; rand = new Random(); number = rand....
guessing and betting number game The user starts with 100 dollars, and is able to bet and guess until they quit or have no more money. In each turn, they are asked for a bet. If they enter 0, then the program should give a farewell message and quit. The bet must be positive and...
This is a simple yet funny number guessing game. There's a correct answer for you to figure out. Each time you make a guess, there will be a "Hint" for you.…
Every time you guess a wrong number x, you will pay x dollars. If you run out of money, you lose the game. Given a particular n, return the minimum amount of money you need to guarantee a win regardless of what number I pick. ...