2. Country Map 3. Country Landmarks 4. Country Currencies 5. Country Capital Geography is fun! What’s New Version History 4 Jun 2024 Version 2 New Design, simple for users, adding 3 lifeline options App Privacy The developer,Sandip Majethiya, indicated that the app’s privacy practices ...
1. Country Flag 2. Country Map 3. Country Landmarks 4. Country Currencies 5. Country Capital Geography is fun! Version History Jun 4, 2024 Version 2 New Design, simple for users, adding 3 lifeline options App Privacy The developer,Sandip Majethiya, indicated that the app’s privacy practi...
You can choose the location type directly, or browse by country. --- Level In each level you get to figure out a single location. You can scroll around and zoom in and out while trying to identify it. There is also an "Explore" map available for you where you can, for example, ...
Bring back the old map , 01/25/2021 I Love the Game there is just one thing I was playing and it gave me the same exact spot back to back and it said that they were in two different locations, what I just said might have been confusing, but it’s just a little glitch. more...
Simply select the correct option among the state names that is highlighted on the europe map. Do not forget that that time is against you. You will miss points if you spend much time to guess the country name. There are clues to help you, but again causes less point. Try to know the...
a In the map, I found Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in west Africa, and surrounded by six countries. I'm curious about it rain often? I guess it weather is higher than Taiwan. I was admire about 在地圖,我在西部非洲發現了Burkina Faso是一個內陸國和由六圍攏 國家。 我經常是好奇的...
hover your mouse over the world map in the bottom right corner of the screen. Zoom in and click on where you think you are. You will be awarded points for how close you get to the location. If you get the exact location, you will be awarded 5,000 points for your guess. The furthe...
src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_GOES_HERE&callback=initMap"> </script> <script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=default"></script> </head> <body> <button id="submitbtn" onclick="guess()"><b>GUESS</b></button> <div id="floating...
Line up the diapers on a table. Have each guest sniff (or taste with their finger) the chocolate and take a guess at which kind of candy bar it is. Make sure each guest has a pen to write down their guesses. The guest with the most correct guesses wins!
What is your guess on how high a priority the average person in [country/region] thinks the government should place on addressing climate change? hkupop.hku.hk 你估計一般[國家/地區 ]人民認為政府應該就處理氣候變化給予幾大的優先位置? hkupop.hku.hk Courts have been reluctant to second guess...