Profiles Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and her contributions toward foreign policy. Her family history, academic career, and political philosophies; Comparison to her predecessor Warren Christopher; Responsibilities and interactions as secretary of state.EBSCO_AspEconomist...
Hazards of hydrogen peroxide irrigation in war surgery Author links open overlay panelJ.M. Saïssy, B. Guignard, B. Pats, B. Lenoir, B. RouvierShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and content Résumé Deux cas de complications ...
The global average rate of therapeutic success was 72% with a lower average rate of success in retreatment in Center, Northern et Western (CNO) zone (54%) than in Southern zone (73%). The average rate of lost sight was higher in CNO zone than in the South with respectively 27% and ...
German society was essentially in ruins, but a sense of "the everyday" took hold surprisingly soon, and Germans turned their attention to rebuilding.EchternkampChercheurJrgChercheurRevue d'Allemagne et des Pays de Langue Allemande
C. BonahJ. DanetESNeuropsychiatrie De Lenfance Et De LadolescenceBonah, Christian ; Danet, Joel, "Transmettre a et pour des enfants en detresse. Observations a partir de films institutionnels autour de la 2eme guerre mondiale », Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence 60, ...
justiceTransitional justice in Belgium after the First World War in the area of criminal justice (1918--1928). -- After the First World War, from 1918 until 1928, Belgium experienced a form of transitional justice, especially in the area of criminal justice. In order to meet demands for ...
Beyneix, A. (2007) Réflexions sur les débuts de la guerre au Néolithique en Europe occidentale. L’anthropologie 111: pp. 79-95BEYNEIX, A. 2007: Reflexions sur les debuts de la guerre au Neolithique en Europe occidentale. L'Anthropologie 111, 79-95....
Initial use of HFO to minimise ventilator-induced lung injury. Rapid...doi:10.1016/j.anrea.2017.07.006Prunet, BertrandEsnault, PierreNguyen, CédricCotte, JeanMontcriol, AmbroisePons, SandrineSailliol, AnneBordes, JulienMeaudre, EricAnesthésie & Réanimation...
Transfusion de sang frais total en temps de guerre : expe´ rience du groupement me´ dico-chirurgical Warehouse durant la pe´ riode 2006-2009. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2012;31: 850-6.J.-L.Daban, A.Kerleguer, B.Clavier, A.Salliol, S.Ausset. (2012) Transfusion de sang frais total...
The first medical support must be as close as possible to the battlefield, reducing casualties thanks to a quick intervention. Because of a lack of physicians on the battlefield, the first operator is often a paramedical staff trained to simple lifesaving procedures. The orotracheal intubation ...