La Guerre Des Balkans. Organization Et Fonctionnement Du Service De Santé Des Armees Coaliséesdoi:10.4000/com.5886Sentencia de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos de 24 de mayo de 1937, Caso Helvering vs. Davis [301 u.s. 619 (1937)], Artículo...
Apocalypse la 1ère Guerre mondiale: With Mathieu Kassovitz, François Arnaud, Raymond Poincaré. Colorized historical footage in ascending order of World War 1. Not only the relatively known Flanders and France battles, but also the generally unknown
Apocalypse la 1ère Guerre mondiale: With Mathieu Kassovitz, François Arnaud, Raymond Poincaré. WWI documentary intertwining archival footage of battles across Italian-Austrian, German-Polish-Russian, Japanese-German, Ottoman-Allied, African German c