Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) is a well-recognized and widely distributed traditional plant that is used successfully in Indian Ayurveda medicine. T. cordifolia has shown many promising biological activities, such as antioxidative, antimicrobial, antihyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, osteoprotective, ...
Guduchi was used historically by other world cultures, too. In the Philippines, recorded early in the last century, the natives used a variety of the Tinsopora plant as a general body-support tonic. They called it Makabuhay, meaning, "you may live." (US Dispensatory 1918, Remington, Wood...
Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi/ Giloy) is one such plant having pharmacological functions and medicinal values due to its several constituents such as terpenes, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids and flavonoids. Thus, it has been rightly mentioned in old texts as "Amrita". Objective: The objective of ...
The plant is useful in wide range of diseases like Jwara (fever), Kamala (jaundice), Prameha (diabetes) etc. Guduchi Satva, the starchy material of the stem is well-known single drug formulation of Guduchi and is the potent one. Species of the plant, size of the stem, collection time...
The in-vitro anti-oxidant activity of Tinospora cordifolia justifies the medicinal use of this plant.S ChandrashekarUmeshaChethan Kumar MS ChandanKEJA PublicationsInternational Journal of Pharma Sciences & ResearchChandrashekar, S., Umesha, S., Kumar, C.M. and Chandan, S. (2010) Inhibition ...
PLANT extractsDRUG resistanceANTI-infective agentsObjective: Tinospora cordifolia, often known as "Guduchi," has a variety of medicinal characteristics, including those that are anti-diabetic, antiinflammatory, anti-periodic, anti-arthritic, anti-oxidant, anti-allergic, and an...
The plant is used in Ayurvedic rasayanas to improve the immune system and the body"s resistance against infections. It is used as an immunomodulator in immunosuppression of obstructive jaundice, hepatic fibrosis, peritonitis and sepsis. The plant has been found effective in preventing fibrous changes...
Tinospora cordifolia is a plant of great significance in Ayurveda due to its unique biological activities, including anti-diabetic properties. The present study aims to identify the active constituents of T . cordifolia leaves and evaluate the in vitro inhibitory potential of its ethanol extract ...
The result of this study shows that ghrita prepared from male plant yielded more quantity of finished product than that of female plant.Ashok, B. KBhat, Savitha DPrajapati, P. KRavishankar, BInternational Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy...