gubernatorial meaning, definition, what is gubernatorial: relating to the position of being a gove...: Learn more.
Meaning "one charged with direction or control of an institution, etc." is from late 14c. Mechanical sense of "self-acting regulator" is from 1819. The adjective gubernatorial remembers the Latin form. There is a record of English governator from 1520s. -al (1) suffix forming adjectives ...
Jobs at Fore in Gubernatorial Race ; While Candidates Spin Meaning of Latest Figures, Economist Says Outlook a Mix of Both Good, BadMessina, Lawrence
The final chapter deals with the evolution in the meaning of the term 'cant' itself in the period taken into consideration.doi:10.1016/S0740-624X(97)90009-5Greg ArmentoGovernment Information Quarterly
Black Family Finds Meaning in Wilder Candidacy;Gubernatorial Campaign Strikes a Deep Resonance in Virginia, Where Slavery BeganPierre Thomas