an 84-year-old woman had lived in her rent-controlled apartment for fifty years. Then her landlord got her guardianized so he could kick her out of the apartment and raise the rent. A mechanic in Texas had a wealthy elderly client who owed him $30,000 and wasn’t paying, so on the...
Of course, you can go to a lawyer who works with guardianship cases and pay to have the forms drafted or get legal advice to guide you through the process. A guardianship template is a low-cost solution for temporary or permanent guardianship. It's a fairly simple document, although it’s...
In most cases, com- munities request a repatriation without stating specific preferences e.g., on traits or growing requirements and they cannot select the specific landraces they will receive since the CIP genebank contains thousands of landraces derived from Peru. When the communities state ...
The requirements for children’s health, well-being, and education are covered in Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4. In response to the crisis in survival and development sustainability faced by children during the COVID-19 pandemic, China adopted th