Nebula Djimon Hounsou ... Korath John C. Reilly ... Corpsman Dey Glenn Close ... Nova Prime Benicio Del Toro ... The Collector Laura Haddock ... Meredith Quill Sean Gunn ... Kraglin / On Set Rocket Peter Serafinowicz ... Denarian Saal Christopher Fairbank ... ...
你那张破地图把我们带到什么鬼地方来了 奎尔Hey, I'm under a lot of pressure here.我也是很有压力的好吗So is our krutakin' ship!我们的飞船也是We're in a gravity storm.我们陷入了重力风暴These areas of super-dense space are Nebula's favorite...
Kikky sanchez·6/4/2023in General Nebula Dare00Devil·6/4/2023 I've told you multiple times to post these in the art thread. You can just make a post with art in it with no question or purpose. Kikky sanchez·6/4/2023 I didn't spam the same day only once a week ...
饰“指控者”罗南 Ronan the Accuser 迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 演员 饰 勇度 Yondu Udonta 凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 演员 饰“星云”涅布拉 Nebula 杰曼·翰苏 Djimon Hounsou 演员 饰 克拉斯 Korath 本尼西奥·德尔·托罗 Benicio del Toro 演员
涅布拉(Nebula)/ 凱倫·吉蘭Karen Sheila Gillan 飾 而最勇猛的星際演員就非 Karen Gillan 莫屬,因為她為了這部片把頭髮剃光,為了讓這個造型能夠更凸顯特色,包含他的化妝時間高達4小時15分鐘,就連卸妝也要花半個小時以上,化妝師們也表示他的妝最有趣但卻是最複雜的。劇中他是薩諾斯的養女,雖然從小跟葛摩菈一起...
Nebula:Thanks, Dad. Sounds fair. [from outtake] Star-Lord:Dance-off, bro! Me and you! Ronan:It's on! Thanos:Boy, I would reconsider your current course! Ronan:[wields the Infinity Stone]You call ME, boy? I will unfurl one thousand years of Kree justice on Xandar and burn it to ...
星云 Nebula和一开始刚出场的时候相比完全就变了一个人,但是这种转变是如此合情合理。我最喜欢的是卡魔拉 Gamora和曼蒂斯Mantis的结局,她们各自的宇宙冒险故事还能再续上一百集。詹姆斯·古恩 James Gunn导演在刻画角色交代人物结局的时候真的没有半分敷衍,他肯定爱着这些虚拟角色。“I love you guys”。
The Guardians of the Galaxy have been idealized by Peter Quill, the legendary Star-Lord, as a pro-active team to protect the cosmos. Quill idealized the team in light of two subsequent crisis that had forced independent heroes to improvise a resistance w
GotG Vol. 3stars Chris Pratt (Starlord), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Karen Gillan (Nebula), Pom Klementieff (Mantis), Sean Gunn (Kraglin), Will Poulter (Adam Warlock), Dave Bautista (Drax), Bradley Cooper (Rocket), Vin Diesel (Groot), Maria Bakalova (Cosmo) and Chukwudi Iwuji (The High Ev...