1、You stand accused for the crime of theft,你被控犯下盗窃罪for which you have been convicted,你们已经被定罪as well as fleeing Kree justice,还逃脱了克里的制裁and now attacking a Kree vessel.现在还袭击克里飞船Incorrect.不对The one who forced our ship to attack is right behind you.逼我们的...
Did I mention the controls 我有没有和你们说过 for the upper floors are voice activated? 高层都是声音识别操控的 Please stop that. It is very annoying. 请不要再这样了 太烦人了 I'm awake! 我醒了 Fools! You cannot escape the Collector! 笨蛋 你们逃不出收藏者的手心 Take them...
Chill out? 真的吗 冷静一下 Hey, its hard to think of element quips, okay? 用元素设备想不出什么 I can signal for help. 我能发信hearts;号hearts;hearts;求救 We already tried calling the Avengers. It didnt work. 我们已经呼叫复仇者联盟了 没用 Oh, Im not calling the Avengers. 我不呼叫...
我同意 我建议用新的战略 I will take the controls. The lasers will evade me. 我来控制 激光会躲避我 You dont get the concept of lasers, do you? 你根本不懂什么是激光吧 So how about a concept of getting past them? 那绕过他们怎么样 No problem. Got a spare ship on ya? 没问题 你有多...
我们正受到袭击 Yeah, by Quill's lousy piloting. 是啊 都怪奎尔差劲的驾驶技术 Huh? Maybe I'd do better 怨我 如果控制杆 if the controls weren't rodent... Uh, you-sized. 不是老鼠...不是你那么大 我肯定开得更好 Eh, so I made a few modifications. 我不就做了几项改进吗 Well, next ...
While the different skills may feel like a lot to swallow, combat becomes easier once you understand combos. Here is the complete guide to mastering combat inGuardians of the Galaxy, including the best Guardian combos in the game. The controls explained in this article are tailored to Play...
19、搞定given his large green-skinned ally.特别是他那绿皮肤的盟友What kind of stupid name is Avenjet?复仇行者是什么蠢名字No worse than Milano.没比米拉诺差多少All right. What are you waiting for? Let's go.好吧 你还在等什么 我们走Controls are locked.控制器都锁住了Yeah. It's a security...
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), still reeling from a terrible loss, must rally his team and embark on a dicey, action-packed mission to defend the universe and protect Rocket. Meanwhile, a new, unpredictable force threatens to bring the Guardians down for good. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3...
...onlytohavethebumcrashtheparty. 然后派对就被砸了 Literally. 真的砸了 RememberthatbigoldWorldTreeinthemiddleofAsgard? 还记得阿斯加德中♥央♥那棵世界树吗 Well,itturnsouttheSerpentnotonlyplantedit, 原来这不仅是毒蛇种的 hecontrolsit!
永不完结的清单中第 32♥3♥条♥ First off, we finally get the recognition we deserve 首先 我们终于因为打败了奥丁的废物弟弟毒蛇 for defeating Odin's loser of a brother, the Serpent. 而得到了应有的认可 Yeah, that's real Asgardian gold. 这是真正的阿斯加德黄金 Probably fetch...