We do not provide advice We do not provide medical or legal advice. This site isnot intended to be a substitutefor professional medical or legal advice. It is a curated archive of existing information supported by credible references. We haveour opinionsbut you need to make up your own mind...
We need to tell the truth about what Russia is doing in Ukraine | Wesley Clark | Comment is free | The GuardianClark, Wesley Clark W., We need to tell the truth about what Russia is doing in Ukraine, "The Guardian", 31 August 2014, ...
民意调查显示,西欧民众对乌克兰“直至其获胜”的支持率大幅下降https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/dec/26/support-for-ukraine-russia-war-yougov-poll-surveyYouGov 调查发现,七分之四的国家倾向于通过谈判结束与俄罗斯的战争一项调查显示,在乌克兰面临关键时刻,西欧各国对“支持乌克兰直到其获胜”的意愿急剧下降...
We need to tell the truth about what Russia is doing in Ukraine | Wesley Clark | Comment is free | The GuardianClark