The soldier affiliated with the union, whose identity Army Times has verified,postedabout the upcoming meeting in a Reddit community dedicated to sharing news about the border mission. With National Guard members being used to replacing striking nurses and bus dr...
Smith commanded a cutter in Vietnam, taught law classes at the academy inNew Londonand retired from active-duty service with the rank ofCoast Guard commanderbefore joining the legal staff of submarine builder Electric Boat. The academy's superintendent, Rear Adm. William Kelly, said in an email...
1. Highly trained Coast Guard Crypto/Cyber personnel’s technical prowess, perishable skills and experience are not currently being fully utilized and a corrective course of action is required to develop, sustain and retain a workforce needed for our services complex, global missions. Intelligence Spe...
this one being operated by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s “Encon” Police. I’ve written about the “response boats” quite a few times in the past. Basically, post 911, it was decided to use the “weapons platform” concept to create a basic maritime chassis which the...
In Rome, their principal duty was to mount the Guard at the house of Augustus on the Palatine, where the centuries and the turmae of the cohort in service mounted the guard outside the emperor’s palace (the interior guard of the palace was mounted by the Imperial German Bodyguard, often...
it is the United States’ oldest continuous seagoing service. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton headed the USRCS, and the branch was involved in every war from 1790 to World War I. As of August 2009 the Coast Guard had approximately 42,000 men and women on active duty, 7,500 reservists...