If you have a bad credit score getting a loan can be difficult, especially getting one with competitive rates, this where a guarantor loan could help.
Guarantor loans help those with poor credit scores to borrow money, by allowing a friend or family member to guarantee the loan repayments. Find the best guarantor loans here.
provision, condition, or covenant (other than a default occurring under (a), (c), (d), (e), (f) or (g) of this paragraph 12) required to be performed or observed by the Borrower or any Guarantor hereunder or under any other Loan Document or other agreement with or in favor of th...
Dutch Security Documentsmeans the Dutch Security Agreements, the Dutch Share Pledges, and each other agreement, document or instrument executed by any Loan Party governed by Dutch law which provides for a Lien in favor of the Agent as security for any of the Obligations. ...