loan guarantee贷款担保,借款保证函 bank guarantee银行担保 legal guarantee法律保证,法律担保 letter of guarantee保证书;信用保证书 guarantee insurance保证保险,盗窃意外保险 financial guarantee[经]财务担保 performance guarantee履行合同保证人;履约保证 guarantee fund[经]保证基金,担保基金 payment guarantee付款保证书;...
Theletterofguaranteehadprovided for the resolution of all disputed points arising with regard to or in connection with [...] 担保函规定,该担保所引起的或与该担保有关的所有 争议问题,均按照日内瓦工商服务业商会的仲裁规则加以解决。
Confirmed letter of credit: This gives an extra layer of security for the seller. In addition to the issuing bank's guarantee, a second bank confirms the promise to pay. This means even if the issuing bank has trouble fulfilling its obligation, the seller is still guaranteed paymen...
a guarantee for sb's good behaviour为某人的品行作担保 词组短语 quality guarantee品质保证,质量保证 credit guarantee信用担保;信贷保证 guarantee period保修期;保质期 loan guarantee贷款担保,借款保证函 bank guarantee银行担保 legal guarantee法律保证,法律担保 letter of guarantee保证书;信用保证书 guarantee insura...
guarantee letter A commercial bank's letter assuring payment of theexercise priceof a client'sput option. Copyright © 2012,Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved. Guarantee Letter Input options, aguaranteeofdeliveryofsecuritiesmade by abankto abrokerageon behalf of the bank's client. When an...
loan guarantee贷款 ,借款 函 bank guarantee银行 legal guarantee法律 ,法律 letter of guarantee 书;信用 书 guarantee insurance 险,盗窃意外 险 financial guarantee[ ] performance guarantee履行合同 人;履约 guarantee fund[ ] 基金, 基金 payment guarantee付款 ...
After these terms are completed and confirmed, the bank will transfer the funds. The letter of creditensures the payment will be madeas long as the services are performed. The letter of credit basically substitutes the bank's credit for that of its client, ensuring correct and timely payment....
After these terms are completed and confirmed, the bank will transfer the funds. The letter of creditensures the payment will be madeas long as the services are performed. The letter of credit basically substitutes the bank's credit for that of its client, ensuring correct and timely payment....
The Guarantor has provided Pride Online the Confirmation for Joint and Several Liability for the Loan hereunder borrowed by the Borrower, explained implementation of the counter-guarantee and issued the order of payment. 本合同项下借款本金从监管账户划出即视为借款成功。借款本金从监管账户划出之日即为...
aThe letter is not a guarantee. It usually imposes no more than a moral obligation on the parent company to reimburse the lender if the subsidiary cannot repay the loan. 信件不是保证。 如果辅助者不可能回报贷款,它比道义通常强加没有给总公司偿还贷款人。 [translate] ...