ImmigrantVisaUnit U.S.ConsulateGeneral,Guangzhou NoticeforImmigrantVisaApplicants CaseNumber: Name(P): PreferenceCategory: YourPriorityDate: TravelingApplicants: DearApplicant,Petitioner,orAgentofrecord: TheU.S.ConsulateGeneralGuangzhouhasreceivedyourapplicationinformationandwillbeginthe nextphaseofprocessingyourvisa...
Embassy Name & Address Immigrant Visa Unit American Consulate Guangzhou No. 1, South Shamian Street Guangzhou 510133 China Contact Information Phone: (020) 8121-7733 (within China) (86)(20)8121-7733 (from the United States dial 011 first) Fax number: (86-20) 8121-9001 *These numbers no l...
Embassy Name & Address Immigrant Visa Unit American Consulate Guangzhou No. 1, South Shamian Street Guangzhou 510133 China Contact Information Phone: (020) 8121-7733 (within China) (86)(20)8121-7733 (from the United States dial 011 first) Fax number: (86-20) 8121-9001 *These numbers no l...
Immigrant Visa Section U S Consulate General Guangzhou 热度: (论文)The U.S. Return to the Asia-Pacific Region and the East China Sea and South China Sea Issues The U.S. Return to the Asia-Pacific Region and the East China S..
aIn recently, many of our company’s clients received their Immigrant Visa Interview Notices from American Consulate General Guangzhou and they were required to attend the interview to get their visas. Which like the situation appeared and we experienced in 2009 that the USCIS and the Consulate spe...
Since April 13th, 2012, the U.S. visa fee for Chinese passport holders has been lifted from 140 U.S. dollars up to 160 U.S. dollars, including student visa, tourist visa, business visa and other non-immigrant visas. Office of American Citizens Services ...
U.S.ConsulateGeneral,Guangzhou MedicalExaminationandVaccinationInstructions Nowthatyouarescheduledforanimmigrant/Kvisainterview,youshouldmakearrangementsto undergoyourmedicalexaminationandobtaincertainvaccinations.AllimmigrantandKvisa applicants,regardlessofagemusthaveamedicalexamination.UnitedStatesimmigrationlawalso requires...