NanningTipo: ciudad con 8.740.000 habitantes Categorías: ciudad-prefectura, gran ciudad y localidad Ubicación: Nanning Shi, Central Guangxi, Guangxi, China meridional, China, Asia Oriental, Asia Ver en OpenStreetMapLatitud22,8193° o 22° 49' 10" norte Longitud108,3627° o 108° 21...
南宁师范大学(武鸣校区) is an university in Nanning Shi, Guangxi. 南宁师范大学(武鸣校区) is situated nearby to the hospital 武鸣区第一人民医院.Map Directions Satellite Photo support Ukraine in securing a full security guarantee from its allies—the only path to peace and ...
Type: University Category: education Location: Nanning Shi, Guangxi, South China, China, East Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude23.16897° or 23° 10' 8" north Longitude108.24282° or 108° 14' 34" east Open Location Code7PMC569V+H4 OpenStreetMap IDway 952236239 Open...
南宁师范大学(明秀校区) is an university inNanning Shi,Guangxi. 南宁师范大学(明秀校区) is situated nearby to the garden广西中医药大学药用植物园, as well as near the university广西中医药大学(明秀校区). MapDirectionsSatellitePhoto Map Notable Places in the Area ...
China South China Guangxi Nanning Shi广西民族大学(思源湖校区)广西民族大学(思源湖校区) is an university in Nanning Shi, Guangxi. 广西民族大学(思源湖校区) is situated nearby to the metro station Nanning College for Vocational Technology, as well as near the marketplace 罗文农贸市场....
Type: Museum Categories: building, tourism and tourist attraction Location: Nanning Shi, Guangxi, South China, China, East Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude22.8526° or 22° 51' 9" north Longitude108.38173° or 108° 22' 54" east Open Location Code7PJCV93J+2M OpenStreet...
南宁市天桃实验学校-天桃校区 is a school in Nanning Shi, Guangxi which is located on 天桃路. Mapcarta, the open map.
广西中医药大学第一附属医院 is a hospital in Nanning Shi, Guangxi which is located on 东葛路. Mapcarta, the open map.
China South China Guangxi Nanning Shi南宁市第二中学(新民校区)南宁市第二中学(新民校区) is a school in Nanning Shi, Guangxi. 南宁市第二中学(新民校区) is situated nearby to the railway stop XINMIN LU, as well as near Nanning First People's Hospital....
Type:Construction Location:Nanning Shi,Guangxi,South China,China,East Asia,Asia View on OpenStreetMap Latitude 22.80792° or 22° 48' 29" north Longitude 108.49672° or 108° 29' 48" east Open Location Code 7PJCRF5W+5M OpenStreetMap ID ...