解释广庭:宽大的场所。众人聚集的公共场所。 出处秦·孔鲋《孔丛子·公孙龙》:“尹文曰:‘使此人于广庭大众之中,见侮而不敢斗,王将以为忠乎?’ 用法作宾语、定语;指众人聚集的公共场所。 感情广庭大众是中性词。 繁体廣庭大衆 近义大庭广众 英语goldfish bowl(in front of everybody)广...
Du Guangting,who was famous as a Taoism ceremony musician,compiling the historical material——Taishanghuanglu Ceremony.He took notes of the procedure and contents of Taoism ceremonies in Tang Dynasty in the first time.After systematic translating and analyzing,the author gets a deep understanding of...