The stories of Guam’spattera, or nurse-midwives, and their history give insight into their personal legacy and professional contribution to the healthcare of women, children, and families in Guam. Their stories presented here are derived from the personal interview conducted with threepatterain 19...
The University of Guam, Guam Preservation Trust, Guampedia, and the Northern Marianas Humanities Council hosted the 2nd Marianas History Conference on the UOG Campus in Mangilao, Guam, from August 30-31. Dr. Anne Perez Hattori and Dr. Keith L. Camacho were the keynote speakers at the confe...
2020: The 5G journey continues. DOCOMO PACIFIC is the first telecommunication services provider to launch Mobile 5G in the Marianas. We have a long history, but our story doesn’t end here. Get ready, as our story of innovation, investment and new products and services continues... More...
Welcome provides information about Island, It involves History, Facts. ***Attractions,Best Places,Restaurants **Attractions,Hotels Address, Phone Numbers, Information, Facts, Pictures, Map, Directions, Rout Map and Near Search. *Incredible easy to use. *Simple design and detailed Island information!
Because of a reduction in airline service to this island, besides the more expensive direct flights, it can be a bit troublesome getting there having to transfer in Guam or Seoul, but it's definitely well worth your efforts.Rainbow from the Saipan Grand HotelVery sad World War II history, ...
The Micronesian Milestones timeline is a work in progress. It is not meant to serve as a complete history of Micronesia, for there will never truly be one. There is still, and always will be, more to come. Embracing the endless possibilities of technology, Guampedia has provided a starting...