Musical instruments and dances from around the world made their way to the Marianas with each new administration. By the 20th century, the introduction of newspapers, radio and television brought even more ideas for artistic expression and possibilities to explore the latest musical genres, theatrical...
The bill was passed in the Senate, however, it failed in the House largely because of heavy opposition from the US Navy Department and the Department of State. Efforts toward civil, self-government and US citizenship during the first 40 years of the naval administration were interrupted as ...
The Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection has a new form for entry into Guam and the CNMI. All eligible international travelers traveling to Guam or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) without obtaining a U.S. visa must complete Form I-736 for ...
Public Law 30-187 - An act to amend§4301(a), and to add new 4301.1(d) and 4302.2 of Article 3, Chapter 4, Guam Code Annotated, realtive to creating the government of Guam Employee Health Benefits Trust Fund by the Division of Accounts of the Department of Administration. (Bill No. ...
An act to amend Section 2 of Public Law 30-42 relative to the department of administration assisting the department of education with their financial and personnel services functions in an effort to improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. Received: 10/9/09 - 8:12 a.m....
“Head Start” is a comprehensive program funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services that promotes school readiness of preschool children, 3–5 years, from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. HS supports children’s growth and ...
3. Applications for such leave of absence must be addressed to the governor and forwarded to him through the immediate superior or head of department, who will endorse thereon his approval or disapproval; and records of all leave granted shall be kept in the Executive Office. ...
the Department of Interior was given administrative responsibility, and placed the TTPI headquarters in Saipan. While there was no evidence that the US was trying to preserve and protect the indigenous cultures in these islands, they did regulate entry into the islands and increased their military ...
Musical instruments and dances from around the world made their way to the Marianas with each new administration. By the 20th century, the introduction of newspapers, radio and television brought even more ideas for artistic expression and possibilities to explore the latest musical genres, theatrical...