< Constitution >Loading motor 3 and amplifier 5 diodeThrough the parallel circuit 10 which joints 10a to converse direction mutuallyYou joint.笹尾 裕巳
< Constitution >Loading motor 3 and amplifier 5 diodeThrough the parallel circuit 10 which joints 10a to converse direction mutuallyYou joint.笹尾 裕巳
(57)< Abstract > < Objective > ro which is used for floppy disk driveIn the deingu device, at the time of loading of the holderSolving floating, locking the holder securely purposeIt is something which it does. < Constitution > Cartridge 11 is interposed in holder 12,When holder 12 ...
(57)< Abstract > < Objective > ro which is used for floppy disk driveIn the deingu device, at the time of loading of the holderSolving floating, locking the holder securely purposeIt is something which it does. < Constitution > Cartridge 11 is interposed in holder 12,When holder 12 ...