MSI Afterburner is the world's most recognized and widely used graphics card Overclocking software. It gives you full control of your graphics card and enables you to monitor your system’s key metrics in real-time. OC SCANNER The latest version of MSI Afterburner features OC Scanner for GTX...
对于1080p Full HD,我们能够以62 fps至75 fps的速度播放《国歌》,《极品飞车:热力》,《正当防卫4》,《使命召唤:黑色行动》冷战,《古墓丽影》,并保持帧速率徘徊在70 fps左右对于1440p Quad HD,我们能够以61 fps至66 fps的速度播放GreedFall,Hitman 2,World War Z,Death Stranding,《使命召唤:黑色行动4》,并...
《魔兽世界》(World of Warcraft)是由著名游戏公司暴雪娱乐所制作的第一款网络游戏,属于大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。游戏以该公司出品的即时战略游戏《魔兽争霸》的剧情为历史背景,依托魔兽争霸的历史事件和英雄人物,魔兽世界有着完整的历史背景时间线。玩家在魔兽世界中冒险、完成任务、新的历险、探索未知的世界、征服怪物...
MSI Afterburner is the world’s most recognized and widely used graphics card overclocking utility which gives you full control of your graphics cards. It also provides an incredibly detailed overview of your hardware and comes with some additional features such as customizing fan profiles, benchmark...
《魔兽世界》(World of Warcraft)是由著名游戏公司暴雪娱乐所制作的第一款网络游戏,属于大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。游戏以该公司出品的即时战略游戏《魔兽争霸》的剧情为历史背景,依托魔兽争霸的历史事件和英雄人物,魔兽世界有着完整的历史背景时间线。[1] 玩家在魔兽世界中冒险、完成任务、新的历险、探索未知的世界、...
就在今晚七彩虹京东自营旗舰店(链接:与七彩虹电脑硬件天猫旗舰店(链接:均会同步进行首发预售,11月2日晚9点整,基于NVIDIA最新GeForce GTX 1070 Ti核心打造的iGame Vulcan系列显卡即将开启全球首售,又一款拥有着超强性能的显卡来到热爱硬件的你面前,...
Asus GeForce RTX 4090 ROG Matrix breaks the world pulse, becoming the first GPU to reach 4 GHz. Asus launched ROG Matrix RTX 4090 - Card 4090 most powerful and most expensive in the world for more than 100 million VND ASUS ROG Strix RTX 4090 EVA-02 Edition launched in the US for ...
GeForce GTX 10-Series laptopsare the ultimate gaming platform, starring the world's fastest GPUs and cutting-edge G-SYNC displays. They’ve got the raw power for 4K gaming, can be used anywhere in the world, can run HDR games, TV shows and movies on connected displays, and have the out...
Kepler GPU architecture was designed not just for maximum performance, but also for optimal performance per watt. The new SMX streaming multiprocessor is twice as efficient as the prior generation and the new geometry engine draws triangles twice as fast. The result is world-class performance and ...