Re: Dual Titan 12gb pascal Vs. Dual GTX 1080 8gb Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:04 pm OK. In case : Http:// ... 68190?hash= Item1c79f9571e: g: dDIAAOSwjDZYdDOa Hop this help. "Saying it is good, but doing it is better! " ...
One of the Ultras is a BFG model I got from eBay for £100, brand new in a sealed box with a BFG t-shirt in there. This is long after BFG went under. Epic. I bought a brand new sealed in box GTX295 from a member on here years ago for like $100. It was a steal. ...
Hey, so a while back I purchased a HASEE GTX 1080 off Ebay for around 200 bucks, a good deal in my eyes, even if it only works on windows with drivers from 2017. Its never been an issue for me until now, with new games requiring more up to date drivers. Is there any chance I...
不知道买哪个好 分享62赞 显卡吧 绯村◎银时 我在eBay买到了假GTX970 最近在网购下单了一个GTX970 2GB。回家拆开一看不太对,芯片号码在网上查了一下居 214297 显卡吧 心态决定输赢🌞 卡吧的大神帮忙看下,gtx705换成gtx550ti能否玩逆战下面图片是现在的配置,显卡是自带的gtx705,玩个逆战老卡,而且延迟也高,...
我主要玩玩网游,不求特效全开 分享1111 配置吧 lizhi36 求点评 配置和价格 i7 + GTX 750Ti 2GB+ 16G RAM配置和跑分如下,电脑在ebay买的 dell i3847 品牌机, 原始配置i7 4790+ 16G 内存+ 1TB机械硬盘。 平时不完游戏,但是有一个4K 显示器 Asus PB287Q 所 分享89赞 显卡吧 BLABLA gtx750ti和gtx765m哪个...