虽然它赢得了基准测试赛,但大多数观察家很快注意到,以3个9800 GT的价格出售一个双9800 GT充其量只能说吸引力有限。 GTX 260板上的Nvidia G200 GPU 到6月,英伟达发布了带有GT200 GPU的GTX 260和GTX 280,这是一个576mm的部件,代表了迄今为止最大的生产GPU芯片(英特尔的Larrabee估计为600-700mm),也是台积电制造...
http://www.nvidia.com/object/macosx-270.00.00f06-driver.html Quadro & GeForce Mac OS X Drive...
-PhysX driver version 8.06.12 上面这张截图也是来自9800GTX+的评测指南,从产品线上可以看出9800GTX+零售定价为229美元,而之前65nm版本的9800GT零售价格将降到199美元。并且,据说9800GTX性能超过HD4850,具体情况尚不清楚。 虽然根据传闻来看,9800GTX+的性能确实要比HD4850高,但是在正式评测之前,谁都不敢断定,因为这...
9800GTX Plus可以单独进行物理加速能力测试(CPU得分) 不过,基于Geforce GPU物理加速的驱动在前段时间才刚刚推出,也就是版本号为177.39的ForceWare驱动。同时,NVIDIA还发布了单独的GPU物理加速驱动PhysX driver version 8.06.12,这两款驱动都是随着9800GTX Plus同时面世的,所以从时间上来说,9800GTX Plus成了第一款正式支...
不能,想玩下Very High,没HD4850或者9800GTX以上是别想了。CPU方面,起码弄个E7200超频上去。
A re-brand of the Galax GTX 1070 Katana, the KFA2 GeForce GTX 1070 Katana features a dense aluminium fin-channel cooling solution that's reminiscent of the GeForce 9800 GT glory days. The card sticks to NVIDIA reference clock speeds of 1506/1683 MHz (core/GPU Boost), with 8.00 GHz (...
Beginning with R343 these products are no longer supported in new driver branches and have been moved to legacy status." - This is it. The time has come to buy a new card to replace my GeForce 9800GT :) bobwya - Friday, September 19, 2014 - link Such a modern card - why bother...
With this release NVIDIA also identified an interesting issue to fix in a future driver update. Apparently, GPUs based on the "Turing" and "Ampere" graphics architectures exhibit increased idle power consumption on machines with certain higher refresh-rate G-SYNC monitors. Among the fixes with ...
Beginning with R343 these products are no longer supported in new driver branches and have been moved to legacy status." - This is it. The time has come to buy a new card to replace my GeForce 9800GT :) bobwya - Friday, September 19, 2014 - link Such a modern card - why bother...