NVIDIA today released GeForce 461.09 WHQL drivers. The drivers do not appear to include any day-one game optimization, but features an important security update, and a handful fixes. With this release NVIDIA also identified an interesting issue to fix in a future driver update. Apparently, GPUs...
The new GeForce 384 series drivers let you circumvent that requirement. Reddit user aethervisor discovered that the Windows Store (UWP platform) app of Netflix could play back content at full 4K Ultra HD resolution on their machine with an older CPU and GeForce GTX 1080 graphics. New-...
The bundle is minimal: the GTX 1080, a user’s guide, a CDROM with drivers + utilities and an invite code for World Warships: The GTX 1080 TURBO: No backplate… not enough expensive to deserve a backplate! The GTX 1080 TURBO comes with one 8-pin power connector: the total power dra...
GPU 3090tidrivers 512.59 studio Dermot Shane Posts:2886 Joined:Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:48 pm Location:Vancouver, Canada Re: Dual Titan 12gb pascal Vs. Dual GTX 1080 8gb Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:16 pm Most of the workstation builders of the $10k max budget are currently (1/2017) recommending ...
We tried rendering the sequence in 1080p or 4K.Different formats like H264 and Quicktime. CBR, VBR 1, VBR 2, nothing really helps.Old an new Nvidia drivers etc.. We literally tried everything. The weird thing about this GPU error is that the point of failure is alway...
We tried rendering the sequence in 1080p or 4K.Different formats like H264 and Quicktime. CBR, VBR 1, VBR 2, nothing really helps.Old an new Nvidia drivers etc.. We literally tried everything. The weird thing about this GPU error is that the point of fail...
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti显卡 NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1080显卡采用Pascal架构GP104-400核心,含2560个CUDA单元,搭载8GB/256bit GDDR5显存,显卡采用5+1相供电设计,功耗为180W,配备8pin供电接口,核心/Boost/显存频率分别为1607/1733/8000MHz。 经过三年时间的休息整顿,魔王索伦卷土重来,兽族的战鼓再次擂响,大战一触...