836 4 04:18 App VEGA56 VS GTX1070 2K版的580与1060 1.7万 20 09:04 App RTX 5070 Ti 与 RX 7800 XT | 7 款游戏测试 5.8万 165 10:59 App 【4K60帧】RTX 5090 vs RTX 4090 | 4K分辨率12款游戏对比测试 | 作者:BENCHMARKS FOR GAMERS 520 3 19:48 App RTX 4060 Ti 16GB vs RX 7700 ...
1070 is definitely better by a lot, you can search benchmarks to see the difference between both GPUs to see what one would be in your favour. http://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-1070-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1060-6GB/3609vs3639 Upvote 0 Downvote R Rexper Respectable BANNED Apr 12...
WHAT'S HOT SUPPORT ASUS home logo Article Topics:#gtx-1070 // G Series Gaming Laptops Strix showdown: the Scar II and Hero II battle for the benchmark belt The main event pits GTX 1060 and 1070 versions of the Strix GL504 esports gaming laptop against each other in an array of gam...
GTX 1060 when rendering games on greater pixel counts, such as very high display resolutions like Ultra HD or multi-monitor configurations. Still, for these situations the more robust GTX 1070 or 1080 might be needed if a game title is too hardware-demanding. In more common scenarios, such ...
本次全新的GTX 十系移动显卡都将正式去掉过去表示移动特征的“M”后缀,象征着新一代NV GPU将通吃移动和桌面两端,中间只有极小的性能差距。今天首先要同大家见面的将包括GTX1080、GTX1070、GTX1060三款GPU。 这三款GPU将会有多家笔记本厂家同步发售。由于平台配置原因,我们无法将手中接到的不同段位帕斯卡移动显卡公平...
GeForce GTX 1060 72288 Mpixels/sec GeForce GTX 970M 44352 Mpixels/sec Difference: 27936 (63%) Please note that the above 'benchmarks' are all just theoretical - the results were calculated based on the card's specifications, and real-world performance may (and probably will) vary at least...
Benchmarks These are real-world performance benchmarks that were submitted by Hardware Compare users. The scores seen here are the average of all benchmarks submitted for each respective test and hardware. Ethereum Mining Hash Rate GeForce GTX 1060 3GB ...
Con prestazioni che rivaleggiano con GeForce GTX 1070, è estremamente veloce con tutti i giochi più popolari di oggi. Trasmetti il tuo gameplay: ottieni prestazioni sorprendenti e qualità delle immagini mentre sei in live streaming su Twitch o YouTube. L'encoder hardware dedicato del...
通过上面的测试我们可以看出,在常规1080p分辨率下,只有最最顶级的GTX 1080 Ti和NVIDIA TITAN X可以完美运行游戏,帧数达到了60帧以上,GTX 1070以上的显卡均可以较为流畅地运行游戏。通过测试我们可以看出,在17.3.1鸡血驱动的加持下,同级别A卡的表现要比N卡好不少,RX 480超过GTX 1060约8%,RX 470甚至超过GTX 1060...