三罐LNG运输船3D图 3D drawing of three-tank LNG tanker 这种三罐液化天然气运输船的概念通过减少一个隔离舱、一个泵塔和所有相关的低温设备(液体和气体圆顶、阀门、管道、雷达等)来降低施工成本。围护系统的总表面积也将减少约2000 m²,从而降低材...
2022年10月25日,GTT宣布,其创新的三罐液化天然气运输船的围护系统的设计已获得挪威船级社(DNV)和必维国际检验集团(BV)的两项原则认可(AiP)。这种尖端技术解决方案旨在提高船舶的盈利能力和整体性能。 三罐LNG运输船3D图 3D drawing of three-tank LNG tanker 这种三罐液化天然气运输船的概念通过减少一个隔离舱、...
法国GTT宣布,该公司已与一家亚洲船厂签订合同,将为12艘液化天然气(LNG)双燃料动力集装箱船提供燃料罐设计。 该系列LNG双燃料集装箱船将全部安装GTT研发的Mark III Flex膜式密封系统,并将首次采用1 barg燃料罐设计压力(1 barg tank design pressure)。 AD AD GTT表示,此次应用为在LNG燃料罐中使用GTT Mark III ...
The two LNG carriers will have a total LNG tank capacity of 175,000 cbm each. The will feature theMark III Flexmembrane containment system. The shipyard will deliver the vessels in the third quarter of 2025 and the first quarter of 2026. Philippe Berterottière, CEO of GTT, said: “We ...
The first two GBS’ will each consist of two LNG storage tanks with a capacity of 114 500 m3, and one Ethane storage tank with a capacity of 980 m3. The third GBS will consist of two LNG storage tanks with a capacity of 114 500 m3 only. ...
CTT has received an order from its partner, the shipyard HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, to design the cryogenic fuel tanks of five very large container vessels fuelled with LNG, on behalf of the shipowner, Yang-Ming. This is the first time that a Chinese ship-owner has opted for LNG ...
他还表示:“全球储罐评选活动确实将GTT公司、GST陆地薄膜技术与行业的专家和同行联系得更紧密了。” ‘The Tank Storage Awards have indeed linked GTT and GST technology to the industry more closely,’ he says.
Despite an ongoing battle with the Korea Fair Trade Commission over a ruling that could force it to relinquish some of its intellectual property, French cryogenic tank designer GTT continues to gain orders from South Korean shipyards.In late December, right in the middle of a flurry of legal ac...
France’s GTT has won an order from Russia’s Zvezda shipyard for the tank design of five ARC7 ice-breaking LNG carriers. These 172,600-cbm vessels will be able to navigate in ice-covered waters and will serve Novatek’s projects in the Arctic, GTT said. ...