conda create -n gtsam python=3.8 conda activate gtsam git clone cd gtsam-pose-slam-practice pip install -r requirements.txt python 最终可以完美运行 example2 虽然上面的可以完美运行,但是针对自己的项目,还是需要自定义 自己的因子。但...
ubuntu gtsam python vscode 第三方库的路径 ubuntu用vscode,上一次学习到了在服务器中自定义安装软件Nginx,这一次换一个环境,在ubuntu环境中自定义安装软件。(花了很多心思,这里直接上教程),这里我要自定义安装的是VisualStudioCode安装在指定/opt/vscode指定目录内。
If you want to build the GTSAM python library for a specific python version (eg 3.6), use the-DGTSAM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6option when runningcmakeotherwise the default interpreter will be used. If the interpreter is inside an environment (such as an anaconda environment or virtualenv environment)...
GTSAM Python-based factors One now can build factors purely in Python using theCustomFactorfactor. Usage In order to use a Python-based factor, one needs to have a Python function with the following signature: importgtsamimportnumpyasnpfromtypingimportListdeferror_func(this:gtsam.CustomFactor,v:...
sudo apt install libpython-dev sudo apt install python-numpy ``` ### 步骤3:克隆 GTSAM 仓库 使用Git 克隆 GTSAM 的仓库到本地。在终端中执行以下命令: ```bash git clone ``` ### 步骤4:构建 GTSAM ...
cmake .. -DGTSAM_BUILD_PYTHON=1 -DGTSAM_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.10 If you do not have TBB installed, you should also provide the argument -DGTSAM_WITH_TBB=OFF. Build GTSAM and the wrapper with make (or ninja if you use -GNinja). To install, simply run make python-install (ninja pyth...
这里安装了CMake、Boost库、TBB(Threading Building Blocks)、Eigen库以及编译所需的基本工具和Python开发环境。 3. 从GTSAM的GitHub存储库克隆源代码 接下来,从GTSAM的官方GitHub仓库克隆源代码。运行以下命令: bash git clone 这将创建一个名为gtsam的目录,并在其中下载GTSA...
2.1 安装可选的依赖 Intel Threaded Building Blocks (TBB) sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)