这里通过一个OTG线和一个USB 线连接2台android设备,这里要注意连接方式。 run gts-interactive -m GtsInteractiveUsbTestCases -t com.google.android.usb.gts.UsbHostModeTest#testUsbBroadcastsAndApiInMode run gts-interactive -m GtsInteractiveUsbTestCases -t com.google.android.usb.gts.UsbDeviceModeTest#testU...
1.release版本(user版本无root权限) CTS/GTS/CTS-Verifier/gts-interactive/GMADA需要使用此版本进行测试,测试前使用adb root检查设备无root权限。 2.release版本(user版本无root权限)+GSI文件 GSI文件谷歌提供,刷对应安卓版本与相同安全补丁月份的即可,主要go项目需要刷入32位的,非安卓go的刷入arm64即可。 CTS-ON-...
Ambient Sounds- A tool that creates interactive soundscapes that also comes with professionally composed sound effects and music library. Pegasus- A system that can drive anything along a path. Great for cut-scenes, and even has an ambient ai that supports formations, animation and local avoidance...
Follow Game Developer Triniti Interactive Limited Shanghai, China dongtshj.github.io Achievements Block or Report dongtshj/README.md 👋 Hi, I’m @dongtshj 👀 I’m interested in ... 🌱 I’m currently learning ... 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... 📫 How to reach...
and spawn an instance of mstsc.exe with the "/restrictedadmin" flag privilege::debug sekurlsa::pth /user:<Username> /domain:<DomainName> /ntlm:<NTLMHash> /run:"mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin" #Then just click ok on the RDP dialogue and enjoy an interactive session as the user we ...
Wonder Woman GTS The day was like any other, wonder woman had stopped a bank robbery, destroyed a giant robot and stopped a crazy scientist from turning everyone on earth into cows. That is until a monstrous lizard like creature appeared in San Fransisco. It was huge, at leat 500ft ...
End of interactive chart. 2023 Revenue 13.61M Net Income -1.71M Net Profit Margin -12.54% Balance Sheet Combination chart with 3 data series. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 2 Y axes displaying values and values. Balance Sheet202120222023016$32M2.47.212% End of...
quotes Price Overview Performance Report charts Interactive Chart Snapshot Chart technicals Barchart Opinion Trading Strategies Top Trade Alerts Technical Analysis Trader's Cheat Sheet Seasonal Returns Price History Historical Data company News & Headlines Key Statistics SEC Filings Stock Comparison Insider ...
以梦为马: 你可以用Maya下面的polygon版块下面的editmesh下的加线工具interactivesplittool给面板需要分割颜色的地方加线,用线把不同颜色面板的地方分割开来,然后在打开Window下的rengdering下面的hypershader的材质库,建立几个不同颜色的材质球(建材质球,在材质的color属性下面改变材质球的颜色),然后选择面板上面的分隔...
Director Dealings Take a deeper look into a company's insider transactions by viewing director purchases and sales by individual directors. 5-year financials The interactive charting tool provides extensive upper and lower indicators, news and fundamental overlays, and comparison features. Sectors and In...