那么找插件吧,WordPress 多语言插件很多,大多数使用比较复杂,最后找到一款WordPress 多语言插件GTranslate, 使用谷歌自动翻译服务,使用比较简单,免费版与付费版主要区别是付费版在SEO方面支持搜索引擎索引。如果只是想简单的实现多语言站点自动翻译,对翻译后的内容没有SEO方面的要求免费版基本就够用了。 基本使用方法:启用...
4.现在jQuery翻译器为了让葡萄牙语代替pt-PT而使用太平洋时间。 5.你现在能排除你不想翻译的文本,只需要在文本容器标签上加入class="notranslate"属性。 * version 1.5.x.22 1. 实现了分析功能,如果你在站点上使用Google Analytics _gaq代码,你就能看到这个语言使用情况。 2.在Fly方法上解决了Cookie路径问题。 *...
作者:Abhi Chitkara 语法:inurl:wp-content/plugins/gtranslate Dork: inurl:wp-content/plugins/gtranslate Description: This google dork lists out Advisories and Vulnerabilities regarding thegtranslate wordpress plugin. Ref: https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/10181 ...
The next section is for submitting comments about this addon which uses the Facebook comments plugin. The last section is dedicated to reports submitted through the GitHub website. We hope the information provided on this page, could help you get all the basics you need about this addon and ...
Google 翻譯或簡稱 GTranslate 是一種廣泛使用的在線語言翻譯服務,可提供 100 多種語言的即時翻譯。憑藉其機器翻譯技術,谷歌翻譯可以幫助人們快速、輕鬆地理解不同語言的內容。 使用谷歌翻譯的方式之一是通過瀏覽器擴展或插件。此插件適用於多種網絡瀏覽器,包括 Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox 和 Apple Safari,允許用戶...
WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin), is one of the most popular plugins used for translation on WordPress websites. The application has 60+ languages (including Spanish and French) that are supported with the plugin. It has a ton of features, which include: WPML Features The plugin has the...
-边距底部进入设置菜单,选择gtranslate选项。在该页面的底部,您可以添加CSS。您也可以在plugin ...
I was looking for a plugin to translate the contents of my site from into English: even though I had set up Gtranslate only for this purpose, I found myself with translations in Dutch, Spanish, French, Cambodian... Created without me asking for it. Gtranslate automatically translates your...
I’m using Litespeed cache, and I think there might be a problem with plugin’s JavaScript or CSS is being optimized. Can you please help me find the specific code that needs to be changed and tell me where to insert it? I’m not very familiar with coding, so a clear and direct ...
GTranslate 插件易于安装和使用。安装后,它会自动检测您正在访问的网页的语言,并提供您首选语言的翻译。您还可以通过单击浏览器中的 Google 翻译图标手动选择源语言和目标语言。 谷歌翻译插件的主要优势之一是它可以帮助人们更轻松地访问其他语言的信息。这对于其他语言不流利的人,或者需要使用他们不熟悉的语言访问内容的...