在日本,“takumi ”一词指的是职人工匠之意。而全新美规 t-spec takumi edition 特别版的灵感就来源于此,其动力系统搭载的 3.8 升双涡轮增压 v 型 6 缸汽油引擎就是由日本职人手工打造的。也因此原厂为了表现日式职人精神,特地于该车型引擎上方配上刻有红色职人工匠字样徽章,引擎盖下方还具备一个金色型号铭...
首先介绍T-Spec Takumi Edition,这款车在2024年T-Spec中级版本基础上进行了提升。它配备了更宽的前轮...
but it’s made of many stories. The original Skyline™ started it all, while the GT-R NISMO® was born to compete. The GT-R T-spec® celebrates the specially curated editions of the GT-R over the years, while the GT-R T-spec Takumi Edition honors the artisans who put their ...
T-spec Takumi版的官方指导价为152985美元(约合人民币111万元),外观采用了渐变的暗夜紫色涂装,金色涂装的20英寸NISMO轮毂内置了碳陶刹车盘。内饰为墨绿配色,豪华感有一定提升。 T-spec Takumi版在多处位置都有专属的铭牌,发动机舱内的铭牌刻着红色文字以致敬手工组装的匠人精神,换挡杆和车尾也带有T-spec标识。底盘...
2024-07-02 Updated R35 GT-R T-Spec Takumi Edition (MY24.5)【T-spec Takumi Edition (MY24.5)】page with new photos from Nissan.2024-07-02 Updated R34 GT-R V-Spec N1【Vスペック N1】page with photos of V-Spec N1 #13.2024-07-02 Updated MINE'S BNR34 GT-R【MINE'S BNR34 GT-R...
If you want to snag a T-spec Takumi, it’ll sport a coat of midnight purple, whereas the Skyline edition will carry the legendary Bayside blue. Accenting the midnight purple finish is a Mori green interior, with Sora blue stuffed inside the Skyline edition. If you’ve wanted to buy ...