GTmetrix API访问库文档说明书 Package‘rgtmx’October14,2022 Type Package Title Manage GTmetrix Tests in R Version0.1.4 Maintainer Roman A.Abashin<***> Description This is a library to access the current API of the web speed test service'GTmetrix'.It provides a convenient wrapper to start...
state={ isLoading:true, dataSource:null, emailAddress: "Your email Address", passWord: "your password", apikey:'Your api key' } } async onFetchLoginRecords(props, callback) { var data = { email: this.state.emailAddress, // password: this.state.passWord, apikey:this.state.response };...
最后,GTmetrix还使您能够在启用广告拦截器、连接限制和使用REST API的情况下模拟测试。 Pingdom Tools允许您监视和跟踪网站的正常运行时间,并为各种情况设置警报。付费用户可以定时监控网站在不同时间点的各种状态。 WebPageTest将您带到网站的公共版本,但是您可以使用WebPageTest API创建WebPageTest的私有实例。您还可...
At this point, you must obtain a GTmetrix API Key. The key is free, and allows you to run performance tests on your WordPress installation. Follow the procedure below to obtain an API Key. Open a new browser window, and navigate to
Jenkins plugin to create and display a report from GTMetrix.How To BeginCreate an account at Go to and generate an API key for your account Compile and run the plugin (see Compiling) shell script to query Google PageSpeed Insights v4 & v5 API for site & origin metrics for FCP & DCL with additional support for GTMetrix & API tests pagespeed gtmetrix google-pagespeed-insights pagespeed-insights webpagetest google-pagespeed pagespeed-insights-api gtmetr...
接下来,只需单击“生成 API 密钥”按钮。GTmetrix 将为您生成一个 API 密钥,您必须复制该密钥。 现在,您可以切换回 WordPress 仪表板中的“GTmetrix”设置页面。继续输入您的帐户电子邮件地址和您之前复制的 API 密钥。 不要忘记单击“保存更改”按钮来存储您的设置。
Utilize the GTmetrix performance testing environment in your own application or tool with our REST API. The GTmetrix API is based on the Web Testing Framework (WTF) Testing Service API; a RESTful API.
GTmetrix REST API Pricing Plans Custom Plan Creator Resources View Resources Metrics & Audits FAQ Using GTmetrix Blog Changelog Case Studies How to Guides Optimization Explained GTmetrix was created for website owners to easily test the performance of their webpages. Learn more about us or ch...