GTGRAPHICS.DE is a collaborative project between two German artists; Tobias Roetsch and Jeff Michelmann. It started as a personal portfolio site in 2006 and has now grown into an established source for high quality sci-fi and fantasy wallpapers for fans.
微软日前就为Windows发布了一款科幻风格的太空主题《GTGraphics 2》。 这是该系列的第二款主题了,微软介绍说,Windows 7主题《GTGraphics》发布之后赢得了很多用户的喜爱,于是微软决定推出第二款。《GTGraphics 2》包含16张壁纸,均来自GTGraphics,画面华丽精致,相信你会喜欢。
图册精选 GTGraphics奇幻宇宙系列(下集)NCC17022015-08-05 加载中 破壁人罗辑 人气楷模 12 好棒!小编加油!继续努力哦 2楼2015-08-05 22:44 回复 星月 铁杆吧友 9 3楼2015-08-07 09:42 回复 zhangjuan6158 初级粉丝 1 尊敬的起床困难户:您此次起床共用了13分钟,您已击败了全国10%学生,寝室还有...
微软新推科幻风Win8主题《GTGraphics 2》分享到: 在我们居住的星系之外是什么样子呢?是不是像科幻小说描述的那样?微软日前就为Windows发布了一款科幻风格的太空主题《GTGraphics 2》。这是该系列的第二款主题了,微软介绍说,Windows 7主题...【详细】(1/16)上一图集 下一图集...
在我们居住的星系之外是什么样子呢?是不是像科幻小说描述的那样?微软日前就为Windows发布了一款科幻风格的太空主题《GTGraphics 2》。这是该系列的第二款主题了,微软介绍说,Windows 7主题《GTGraphics》发布之
微软科幻风Win7/Win8主题《GTGraphics 3》 | 人类对于宇宙的探索永无止境,科幻电影、科幻小说也算是一种方式。微软今天为Windows发布了一款科幻风格的太空主题《GTGraphics 3》。 这是该系列的第三款主题了,前两则都颇受用户欢迎,微软于是 O网页链接 ...
“Experience other planets and other worlds through these stunning, imaginative new spacescapes from GTGraphics . We loved the first ones so much we came back for more. A free theme for Windows”Download GTGraphics 2 theme for WindowsRob
“GTGraphics introduces a fantastical element in their third free Windows theme, combining medieval cityscapes and gleaming white castles with their trademark illustrations of futuristic spacescapes and alien worlds”Download GTGraphics theme for WindowsRob...
“Experience other planets and other worlds through these stunning, imaginative new spacescapes from GTGraphics . We loved the first ones so much we came back for more. A free theme for Windows”Download GTGraphics 2 theme for WindowsRob