英语缩写词"GTG"通常被用于表示"Gas Turbine Generator",中文翻译为“燃气涡轮发电机”。本文将深入解析这个缩略词的含义,包括其对应的中文拼音、详细定义、在英语中的使用频率,以及分类、应用领域和实例等。GTG</的英文含义是Gas Turbine Generator,这个缩写词在制造业领域中的流行度为3764次。它主要应...
Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) availability is one of the most critical requirements for any plant production in oil & gas industries. The subject case study provides the information and root cause analysis done on the number of trips happened on a dual fuel Gas Turbine due to high exhaust ...
The Steam Turbine Generator (STG), Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) and combined steam and gas turbine generator (STG + GTG) have been applied to generate power using the energy of the flue gases from the combustion of biodiesel. In the present research, the production of electricity from ...
This article reports that Siemens Power Generator loaded the world's largest, most powerful gas turbine-generator onto a barge on the European inland waterway system for shipment to a test facility located in Bavaria. Shipment by barge was scheduled to take 20 days. The factory-assembled package...
This paper investigates the impact of distributed energy sources like PV, Wind, Electric Storage, and Gas Turbine Generator on the reliability of distribution system. The Monte Carlo simulation method is used to test bus-2 of IEEE RBTS distribution network. The distributi...
Generator lubricant cooling system in gas turbine 1.3 by flowing lubricant in the tube and blowing air from the outside of the tube. The lubricant cooling device is called an air-cooled heat exchanger (ACHE) which has been operating for 9years. ACHE has experienced a decrease in reliability ...