GTC 是“Good Till Cancelled”的缩写,常见于金融交易领域,意思是“直至取消有效”。这是一种订单指令类型,允许投资者设定一个交易指令,该指令在被取消之前一直有效。 GTC 在金融交易中的具体应用 在股票交易中,如果投资者下达了一个 GTC 买入订单,设定了特定的价格和数量,只要该订单未被取消,当股票价格达到或低于...
GTC Jump to navigationJump to search A good-'til-cancelled (GTC)orderis a type of order that remains in effect until it is either executed (filled) or cancelled, as opposed to aday order, which expires if not executed by the end of the trading day.[1]A GTC option order is an order...
The USD/EUR exchange rate of the day of the order is used. The payment should be completed in 3 days or new order should be placed as EYR/USD exchange rate vary. UPT : this is service is for sending cash and available for our Turkish customers who do not have paypal option. ...
You must return or hand over the goods to us immediately and in any case at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which you inform us of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline will be met if you dispatch the goods before the expiry of the fourteen-day deadline. You...
1.(Commerce) Also:gtc(on a commercial order for goods) good till cancelled (orcountermanded) 2.(Education) (in Scotland) General Teaching Council Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 20...
1.2 These General Terms and Conditions shall also be an essential component of any signed contract relating to the posting of an offer or request (“order”) unless other stipulations were individually agreed upon. They shall remain in force during future business relations (“subsequent orders”)...
falls on a weekend or a public holiday, collection will be made on the following working day at the customer’s premises. The pick-up date will be communicated to you by smart-collectors GmbH by e-mail and will be confirmed again up to 15 working days before the end of the rental ...
or an offer higher than its current level, allows an investor to place a resting order for days, weeks or months in advance without having to repeat the process each day. The GTC order type allows traders to pinpoint in advance levels at which they would like to enter or exit the market...
(3) Insofar as not otherwise derived from the order confirmation our registered seat in the place of performance. § 11 Severability clause Should one provision of this contract be or become null and void, invalid or unenforceable in full or in part this shall have no effect on the validity...
A GTC order may be contrasted with an immediate or cancel (IOC) order. A Good 'til Cancelled (GTC) order is an order that is working regardless of the time frame, until the order is explicitly cancelled. Traders may use GTC orders to cut down on day-to-day management of their portfoli...