Traditional Chinese: Steam Group Forum thread available on GTAForums: Open Source 首次上传时间:2017年5月18日 最后更新时间:2023年3月15日 最后下载:24分钟前...
GTA5View是一款侠盗猎车5游戏的图片管理工具,能够帮助用户管理游戏中的Profile文件,还可以编辑各种的图片,并导入游戏中上传。 GTA5View简介 gta5view是一个开放源码工具,用于管理GTAV游戏存档的Profile文件,同时具有Snapmatics的导入和导出功能。Snapmatics属性可以部分编辑。你可以通过这个工具可以修改已经拍摄好的Snapmatic...
在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的gta5view [GTA V配置文件查看器和编辑器] Mod,由Syping 制作。kirrasa在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Syping Mod版本: 1.6.2 Mod大小: 11.3 MB 更新时间: 2019-...
据悉在开发过程中,R星还对洛杉矶进行了多次实地取景,并与当地导游和建筑历史学家一同进行考察,前后拍摄了约25万张照片,外加几个小时的录像片段。 所以,为了不辜负R星的心血,游戏日报小年就于本文与各位玩家一起看看在《GTA5》中,都有哪些著名的打卡点。 好麦坞山 这个地标性的洛杉矶招牌虽然在游戏中进行了一定程度...
gta5view 1.10.1 release Improvements (from 1.10 series) Ability to open Cayo Perico map Ability to crop to aspect ratio Ability to take new Snapmatic while gta5view is loaded in a profile Ability to open gta5view Exports from file managers with installed builds ...
BallasBuccaneer. (Rear quarter view). VagosBuccaneer. (Rear quarter view). Special Variants Grand Theft Auto IV Grand Theft Auto VandOnline Modifications Grand Theft Auto VandOnline CategoryModificationCost (GTA V)Cost (GTA Online)Image Upgrade: Benny's Original Motor WorksBBuccaneer CustomN/A$39...
Got a bright idea? For our forum, that is - not the video games! 22.9k OpenIV's sub-forum should be archived, OpenIV itself seems basically abandoned now since at least like 2-3 years already By BrynnaDaRosa,Saturday at 02:31 PM ...
If one stuns someone in the head instead of the body, they immediately drop to the ground without struggling, as if it was a headshot with a conventional firearm. If one fires a stun gun at someone who is in a vehicle, there is a high chance that they will fall out. ...
SyDevTeam/gta5view Watch6 Star38 Fork5 1.8.x gta5view/SavegameDialog.ui Go to file Copy path 93 lines (93 sloc)2.37 KB RawBlame <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?> <uiversion="4.0"> <class>SavegameDialog</class> <widgetclass="QDialog"name="SavegameDialog"> ...