《侠盗猎车:罪恶都市》想要下载就先下载STEAM平台,平台下载安装之后注册账号,注册账号登陆,在搜索栏输入Grand Theft Auto: Vice City搜索即可找到这款游戏,进入商店页面点击购买即可在游戏库内下载。 侠盗猎车手罪恶都市怎么下载 打开steam,搜索游戏,找到游戏之后购买,买完之后在游戏库中寻找,找到之后点击安装即可。 2019...
*Vice city storyline missions completed* Congratulations, if you have followed this guide mission by mission, you will have now completed all of the Vice city storyline, in the quickest, and hopefully the easiest possible way. This is the way I would usually complete the storyline, I know ...
包括L点4个,C点5个,D点5个,K点1个,V点5个。买下所有的资产(在Rub Out任务后),包括码头造船厂赛艇任务1个,考夫曼出租车公司(黄底黑K)3个,假钞印刷厂2个,“冰激淋”店(其实是买毒品的)卖毒品任务1个,18+电影厂4个,俱乐部抢银行任务4个还有阳光汽车展厅四个车辆清单。 2、所有支线任务 包括A点3个,古...
参赛费:5000 报酬:20000\x0d\x0a 第六场:Vice City Endurance参赛费:10000 报酬:40000\x0d\x0a 1.电话任务(Phone Missions)\x0d\x0a *Road Kill*在pizza小子送完货前杀死他报酬:500\x0d\x0a * Waste The Wife*开车到指定地点,当你主妇出来并启动车后,于其后追击并将车撞毁至爆炸然后弃车脱身,...
*Rub Out* 和Lance一起,闯入Diaz的豪宅杀死他!应该先在外围用狙击步枪杀死保镖后再攻入室内。报酬:50000 并且拥有了Diaz的豪宅,可以存盘/换衣, *Shakedown* 在五分钟内,来到North Point Mall并打碎所有红点显示的玻璃。报酬:2000 *Bar Brawl* 带领手下来到Front Page Bar杀死守卫后,在五分钟内杀死指定的其他人。
*Rub Out* 和Lance一起,闯入Diaz的豪宅杀死他!应该先在外围用狙击步枪杀死保镖后再攻入室内。报酬:50000 并且拥有了Diaz的豪宅,可以存盘/换衣, *Shakedown* 在五分钟内,来到North Point Mall并打碎所有红点显示的玻璃。报酬:2000 *Bar Brawl* 带领手下来到Front Page Bar杀死守卫后,在五分钟内杀死指定的其他人。
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City It is used for the first time in the mission Rub Out, where Lance gives Tommy an M4 to kill Diaz. During the mission Cop Land, a police officer and two soldiers are seen using the rifles. Prawn Island - In Studio B (behind the moon lander) at the Inter...
star wanted level by this point, so watch out for any police boats. "Supply & Demand" Reward: $10,000 Each month, a freelancer sails into Vice City and moors his yacht. He sells his cargo to the first boat, so Diaz wants you to take the fastest boat and beat everyone else to it...
GTA Vice City Chain Game Round 56 The GTA Vice City Chain Game is a community based relay game where players work as a team, each taking it in turn to contribute progress towards the goal for each round. In this round we're completing the PC Version of G
Location: Vice Point Price: $120,000 3. Vercetti Estate Location: Starfish Island Price: Unlocks automatically after completing the mission “Rub Out”. 4. The Pole Position Club Location: Ocean Beach Price: $30,000 5. Boatyard Location: Viceport ...