look at it in that way. First of all imo the map is just another fake like every other map we've seen probably done by the same two or one person and the only thing keeping him/them going is the attention they're getting, i mean holysh*t did you guys have a look at Reddit?
A significant leak for GTA VI has been posted on the GTA Forums website and shared on Reddit revealing gameplay videos and screenshots. GTA VI has been confirmed to be in development although it is not being released soon. There is no official announcement regarding the...
Like everything else that is available about GTA VI so far, the details in the game are all based on rumours. One Reddit user that claims to have links to Rockstar Games offers some features that suggest what players should prep to interact with. He suggests that the video game is based...
无独有偶,Reddit用户TheDamnLeakCJ昨天发布一则帖子,称其妻子由于工作原因提前观看了R星的《GTA 6》预告片,并且表示该预告片将在下周正式公开。据其描述,预告片歌曲是Genesis的《That's All》,视频中还出现了夜总会、敞篷车、沙滩、骑马、直升机、过山车和火箭等诸多元素,最后定格在“侠盗猎车手VI”的标志上。目前...
这一则消息出现后,泄露的视频截图和剪辑内容迅速在 YouTube、Twitter、Reddit 等社区传播。同时,也引起了很多游戏玩家的警觉,为什么官方潜心开发近 8 年的成果,自己还未发布,黑客手上就有了,甚至还包括了源码。黑客说它是 GTA 的视频画面和源码,真的就是了吗?
After the leaks surfaced, both theGTA Forumsand the dedicatedGTA 6subreddit took swift action to remove all traces of the leaked content. TheGTA Forumsremoved all content to avoid any trouble with Rockstar, while the subreddit allowed discussion of the leaks without sharing any images, videos...
What amazes me is the huge amount of people on different forums (Reddit for example) who think that these Alpha gameplay videos represent the final product. I mean, how stupid can someone be to believe this? Netherwind, Sep 19, 2022 #21 anxious_f0x likes this. Horus-Anhur Anci...
https://www.reddit.com/user/GTA_VI_Leak/comments/More suspiciously, the mega document from this user got wiped from google because it violated their ToS even though this was three months before this major leak. Does anyone have a backup of this so we can cross-compare the info...
GTA 6 Map Leak vs GTA 5 Map Size Comparison Here below we can see a map comparison of the GTA 6 leaked map with theGTA Vmap, made by Reddit userStikyLizardStudiosYT: We can see that the GTA 6 map seems to beup to 70% bigger in sizewhen compared to the map of its predecessor Gr...