According to a little official word from a re3 team member, there weren't enough resources nor a suitable and less complex platform to port VCS from (only PSP and PS2, no mobile port). IMHO the best way to play VCS would be to get either PPSSPP or PCSX2, then buy an appropriate (...
It looks like VCS will coming out on the PS4 soon. Would much prefer it on IOS. I cant remember where i read this but apparently there are some copyright issues regarding Phil Collins (his part in the storyline) that have held back the IOS port...在Reddit上看到这么个帖子,说是因为...
The simple logic here is that Rockstar would have made a 10th Anniversary Mobile port of VCS if they wanted to. It's over 11 years and they haven't. Makes enough sense to know that they probably won't. We have the LCS Mobile already. Modders have been working on it to make a work...
任务攻略:骑上摩托车,来到右下角的Viceport,见到Phil Cassidy。两人交谈后,一起上了一个小货车,将车开到Phil的旧住所门口。在那里,你会看到一群混混聚集在那里,Phil让你把他们教训一下,然后开车离开。进入房子,还会有两个敌人,可以用枪将他们解决。完成后,把车开回军营,停在Jerry的办公室门口。 MISSION 03: C...
The mission ends in a failure if the player remains outside of a Law Enforcement vehicle for more than 60 seconds (30 seconds in VCS) in one go, dies or is arrested, time runs out, or in the case of GTA Vice City Stories, destroys their vehicle. ...
Joystiq has confirmed that VCS PSP will not have infrastructure (online play). It will just have ad-hoc (local network play) like LCS. You will be able to use helicopters in multiplayer but that means nothing if you can’t find anyone to play. Source: "Oh, and for the re...
Civil Asset Forfeiture Impound (GTA VCS)Exotic Exports (GTA IV)Angus' Bike Thefts (The Lost and Damned).Simeon Car Export Requests (GTA Online)GTA Online: Import/Export (GTA Online) NavigationCollapse [ v • e ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto IV Introduction The Cousins Bellic...
I find it hard to believe that the Switch 2 will be inferior to the (eventual) minimum pc specs. That being said, the PR around a very downgraded port may still make it not worth it for Rockstar. Since neither the game nor the system are out yet it’s all a b...
我的lcs完整攻略的贴子的地址可能标题不够长,没有镇楼图吧,很少有人问津) 1.由于汉化版是在日版的基础上汉化的,所以路上的行人不会掉钱,无法接受的吧友可以使用美版或欧版(gtavcs吧和gtalcs吧均有下载) 2.vcs汉化版+模拟器原贴地址(安卓+pc)
based on PPSSPP engine, with fixes included and some extra stuff. Made to feel more like a proper PC port, and even the text in the game refers to controls. Just extract and play. gta-lcs.exe with my best settings.