Both names refer to equestrian terms for horses that are not fully domesticated. A "mustang" is "a free-roaming feral horse of the North American west that first descended from horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish", while a "Stallion" is simply "a male horse that has not been ...
The Sentinel is redesigned once again in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online into a hard-top convertible, inspired by the BMW M3 Convertible (E93), although the grille is a single unit as opposed to the trademark "kidney" grille found on BMW models. This gives the car a ...
↑ Although not controllable, trains share properties with vehicles, they are given handling, top speeds, and entry (.gxt2) names.NavigationCollapseNavigation Expand [ v • e ]Grand Theft Auto series Expand [ v • e ]Grand Theft Auto V Expand [ v • e ]Vehicles Expand [ v • e...
Humorously, the weapon has multiple different names in international versions of the game: In the Brazilian Portuguese version of the game it is named "Pistola Fajuta", which roughly translates as "Phony gun". In the French version of the game it is named "Pétoire". This translates to "...
Adjusted AI of certain vehicles so they'll use secondary weapons instead of nothing when the player is on-foot Modified Rhino is now a separate vehicle, allowing for handling.meta & ptfx edits to be removed from update.rpf & moved to the RDE dlc archive, increasing compatibility with mods ...
multiple Grand Theft Auto titles under different names. This is a fully-automatic weapon that can be fitted with a variety of attachments. There is also a setup mission in GTA V by the name Carbine Rifles in which the player has to hijack a tactical van full of weapons including Carbine ...
-Gangs will now use different weapons -Some pedestrians will now carry stun guns or pistols MISC -Default FoV re added -OpenIV Package Installer now is split into three parts -Part 1:Original Weapons -Part 2:DLC -Part 3:Weapon Names ...
These include modifications to the Car Body, Engine, Brakes, Lights, Suspension, Wheels, Transmission, Windows, as well as the ability to Respray the vehicle, Turbo Tuning, add Armor, even add Explosives and Weapons in some cases, and a lot more....
Very Likely for GTA V This batch of casting calls from Take-Two features the name of James Pedeaston who is a child molester featured in past Grand Theft Auto games. Aside from him, the others are only first names which could mean they are for radio shows although last names could be ...
Save filesin GTA V are digital records that store a player’s game progress. This progress includes completed missions, unlocked weapons and vehicles, and character development such as improved strength, stamina, and shooting ability. Each save file is uniquely identified by a name and timestamp,...