ByGTAEU-MODS Melee Sword 5.0 9,84732 Anime One Piece-Style Sword ByMasChannel Config 4.89 3,86282 Manual pickups [OIV] CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED 1.2.1 ByZserbo 4.31 77814 FCB/Madrid Weapon Light 1.2 Byjose89yt Assault Rifle 4.88 36,452158 ...
Realistic Weapon Play 1.2.1 ByPoorsoul44 声音 4.24 107,343227 Glock 17 - Realistic Sound Mod [Pistol replace] 1.0 ByGCG 手枪 4.89 107,291405 Glock 18C | SP & FiveM 1.2 ByFluffyPlays22 手枪 4.61 105,975337 Glock 17 1.3 ByDiab0
Weapon Texture 4.9 95818 Carbine Color Pack 5.0 ByNobodyCares71 Handgun 5.0 2,20331 MR6 (From Black Ops 3) ByTheNathanNS Assault Rifle 2.05 2343 G36c ByBossWithStyle Thrown Max Payne 5.0 1,59615 Molotov - Max Payne 3 1.0 ByKaai210 ...
Adjusted every weapon’s clip size to match the CS:GO game (such as P90 with 2 mags max) Using many realistic weapon data mods published over the internet as a reference Better spread and accuracy for each weapon Very minimum rocket “slides”, giving it a Call of Duty look ...
5.6 Base Mod ByMvcGyver 声音 特色 3.57 373,6031,305 Gun Sounds Overhaul BySuspect 声音 4.24 107,040227 Glock 17 - Realistic Sound Mod [Pistol replace] 1.0 ByGCG 声音 4.13 77,231159 Weapon Sound Pack [SP/ FiveM] 1.6.1 Bywellalrightjacob ...
We have good new to all GTA fans – in our website you can find a great variety ofGTA 6 Weapons Mods. It’s a very useful tool to boost your game and make playing much more exciting. If you click onGTA 6 Weapons Mods download, you will be able to explore unseen features. It’s...
Adjusted order value of rde & wovmaps archives to prevent them from being overwritten by other map mods 4.0.3 Updated files for latest game version - vehiclelayouts.meta, weaponanimations.meta, vehicles.meta, dlclist.xml & hud.gfx Gameconfig changes - CGameScriptResource (5509->5526), Drawable...
GTAinside is the ultimate GTA Mod DB and provides you more than 95,000 Mods for Grand Theft Auto: From Cars to Skins to Tools to Script Mods and more.
kyloz 19.02.2025 |82 Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon AJM 9 Pistol Mod kyloz 19.02.2025 |53 TRON Disc Mod kyloz 19.02.2025 |60 Vice City-Styled Weapon Pack Madd Player 19.02.2025 |101 Mega Attack for Mobile STEVE45035KZ 19.02.2025 |124
The weapons package replaced all the weapon models,all weapon sound and all weapon data!All models are derived from the ---GTA4MODS---, I just put some good models together.Thanks to these modellers! The weapons package is the biggest bright spot silencing weapons (such as AK, M4, UZI...