The tank can also be destroyed in the following ways: exposing it to fire damage, overturning it, or hitting it with a melee weapon multiple times. While driving the Rhino, one should be careful not to drive through the flames left behind by vehicles that have exploded, as these will set...
<fWeaponDamageMult value="1.0" />武器伤害<fDeformationDamageMult value="1.0" />变形系数<fEngineDamageMult value="1.5" />引擎碰撞伤害<fPetrolTankVolume value="80.0" />邮箱大小<fOilVolume value="8.0" />油耗<fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.0" />座位偏移<fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.0" />座位偏移...
Skateboard A cut vehicle/weapon in GTA San Andreas. It was cut during the development of the game and was planned to be introduced in the mission Madd Dogg's Rhymes. On the PS2 version of the game, only the HUD icon remains. Grand...
Humorously, the weapon has multiple different names in international versions of the game: In the Brazilian Portuguese version of the game it is named "Pistola Fajuta", which roughly translates as "Phony gun". In the French version of the game it is named "Pétoire". This translates to "...
If one fires a stun gun at someone who is in a vehicle, there is a high chance that they will fall out. Oversights Grand Theft Auto Online Despite the weapon having a slower recharge speed, the sound effect initially played at the same rate as inGrand Theft Auto V. ...
GTAinside is the ultimate GTA Mod DB and provides you more than 95,000 Mods for Grand Theft Auto: From Cars to Skins to Tools to Script Mods and more.
· Corrected weapon names (model names, not the names seen when buying weapons, no ingame change) – this caused confusion and led to a few bugs · Added all LCS weapons · Added all VCS weapons · Added all III weapons · Added VC weapons · Lots of weapons now have different icons ...
Laser sights support for heli snipers (Thanks to AlexGuirre), improved loadouts, extra police weapon animations, overhauled roadblocks, additional wanted level music, corrected ped and vehicle soundbanks, new license plate designs, K9 response, paratroopers, restored ground response in certain zones li...
It is there. Strangely the update has 2 weapon icon sheets (one in hud.xtd, the other in mp_big_message_freemode.xtd). The one in "mp_big_message_freemode.xtd" doesn't have the Thermite Bomb icon while hud.xtd has the icon. ...
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