面对这位玩家的困境,客服代表 Kostas 保持着理解和同情,明确答复:“我们深感你的困扰,已为你启动退款流程。”然而,在Reddit论坛上,玩家们的反馈呈现了多样性。 他们指出,对于这类因特殊原因导致的退款请求,结果并非一致,有的顺利通过,有的则遭遇了拒决。通常而言,只要符合 Steam的标准退款政策,用户都能直接申请,但...
V 社的客服 Kostas 并没有说太多,只是写道:“我们完全理解情况,并已经为您提供退款。”在 Reddit 论坛上,其他玩家指出,并不是所有玩家都会获得退款。一些玩家表示自己提交了许多请求都被驳回。而也有人指出,这种特殊情况的 2024-09-20 14:14:58 0 由于新增反作弊 《GTA5》不再兼容Steam Deck 昨天我们报道了...
据外媒PC GamesN报道,玩家们目前已经无法从Steam商店购买《GTA4》。《GTA4》的游戏本体和完全版都受到了影响,不过独立的DLC“自由城”还能按照以往的价格购买。 1.jpg PC GamesN表示,他们已经就此事询问了R星官方,不过目前R星尚未作出回应。有网友怀疑这可能是因为音乐版权问题:在2018年,随着音乐版权到期,《GTA4》...
威宇游戏网小编 3 月 5 日消息,万众期待的《GTA 5》PC 增强版已于昨晚正式发售,Steam 与 Epic 商城首发 5 折(截至 3 月 21 日),前者国区首发价 71.25 元,后者国区则是 74.5 元。 拥有原始 PC 传承版《GTA 5》的玩家可以免费升级到新版本,而首次在 PC 上购买该游戏的玩家将同时获得增强版和传承版(...
你会选择战网还是Steam呢? 01:47 【游情报】拳头将删除英雄联盟非活跃账号!国服应该跟进吗? 01:33 【游情报】避开罗琳争议?《霍格沃茨之遗》或不含魁地奇玩法 01:35 【游情报】魔镜2创意工坊被隐藏 还能不能继续瑟瑟了? 01:42 【游情报】小林裕幸加入网易!网易海外工作室要搞大新闻?
Note: Steam version of GTA V will allow you to enter launch options. However, for Epic Games and Rockstar users, you will have to edit the command-line text file in GTA V Folder. I’ll first cover the GTA V launch parameters in the config file for Epic and Rockstar launcher users:...
Players are reporting on Twitter and Reddit that the panther statue is plunderable this week, alongside orange glow shades and a skull emissive mask for completing the final and scoping missions. If you’ve been out of the loop, the statue is the most lucrative thing you can swipe from the...
After you’ve disabled your Antivirus, the next step is toadd an exception for GTA V and Steam/Epic Games Launcher in the Windows Firewall. To add this Firewall exception, follow these steps: Press Windows Key and typeWindows Security. ...
Important games bring out the leaks and investigations. People will look at code and seek any evidence possible. In the case of Grand Theft Auto V, people want to know about a PC version. Today there has been quite an interesting discovery. Here is aReddit postwhich details some of the ...
Everything in this step is very important: if you fail to do this correctly, chances are that the R.E.A.L. mod will work very poorly—or not at all. The game must not be running as you perform these few operations. If you have the Steam version of GTA V, make sure that "Use ...