建议提供下机器的配置,可以和游戏的配置做下比较。现在因为看不到实际配置也无法确认。如果配置达到要求的话,可能程序不兼容, 可以更换个版本试试。或者右键需要运行的程序 选择兼容性 用兼容模式运行试试。
各位大佬,你们有没有..各位大佬,你们有没有出现过“Game memory emor , Please reboot and restart the game .”这种错误,游戏不兼容。总是玩一会就这样了有没有会解决的大神
我的很奇怪,关了cilp capture在打dsound.dll的情況下会out of video memory 但xlive的便不会(打了ENB...
开始可以玩的,玩了几关之后,出现GTA IV FATAL ERROR:Out of video memory-please re-boot your ...
0显卡 TEXP300 D8D Error - Failed to copy surface - Please restart the game 重启游戏 TEXP20 D6D Error - Failed to copy surface - Please restart the game 重启游戏 TEXP780 D8D Error - Failed to create texture - Please restart the game重启游戏 DWIN20 D3D Error - Failed to query memory...
If you want an ingame way of changing field of view, I might try utilising the cheat code prompt for that, but no guarantees.Q: So how do I uninstall this?A: Just delete dsound.dll from your GTA V installation folder again.Q: I don't want the mod to change all fields of view,...
Network error - Please restart the game ANM10 Out of memory - Please re-boot your system ANM20 Out of memory - Please re-boot your system ANM30 Out of memory - Please re-boot your system ANM40 Out of memory - Please re-boot your system ...
I Played GTA V With Mods, And After A Minute Of Play, The Game Crashed With Game Memory Error Because Of Mods. It Was Not The System But It Was The Game.
A PS1 memory card. The logo of the PlayStation 1, used as the logo for all PlayStation products now. Navigation Collapse[v•e]Systems Fifth generation consolesPlayStation|Game Boy Color Sixth generation consolesDreamcast|Game Boy Advance|GameCube|PlayStation 2|Xbox ...