Realistic Weapon Play 1.2.1 ByPoorsoul44 声音 4.24 107,343227 Glock 17 - Realistic Sound Mod [Pistol replace] 1.0 ByGCG 手枪 4.89 107,291405 Glock 18C | SP & FiveM 1.2 ByFluffyPlays22 手枪 4.61 105,975337 Glock 17 1.3 ByDiab0
GTA V Weapon EditorAuthor: FattyJoeMan | Email Date: 16.05.2015 Downloads: 17467 | Statistics Filesize: 1.916 MBRating: 9.50 based on 2 votes SUBSCRIBE ! NEW MOVIE MODS: A simple GTA V Weapon Editor. Simple table based UI, ...
Every weapon, when dropped on the street or a “hidden pickup” found at alleyways (for example), now have ammo matched to the clip size like MW2 or MW3, no longer in 2 or 3 times clip capacity (unless you use Pickups mod by InfamousSabre) ...
weapon animations for unarmed which was annoying for users and I didn't blame em for feeling that way lol) My mods use their own ycd archives I added to the game to fix these issues, but it's not the only thing I had to do to get them to work properly. My mod template will ...
Bodyguard Driveby Weapon 不明白,开车时用枪?? Set Health 设置生命值 Add Blip 添加雷达标记 Enable/Disable Dead Ped Drop Weapon 开启/关闭 死去的行人掉武器 Set Money 添加金钱 Spawn Bodyguard 刷出一个保镖 Spawn Ped 刷出一个行人 Spawn Attacking Ped 刷出一个攻击性的行人 ...
5.6 Base Mod ByMvcGyver 声音 特色 3.57 373,6031,305 Gun Sounds Overhaul BySuspect 声音 4.24 107,040227 Glock 17 - Realistic Sound Mod [Pistol replace] 1.0 ByGCG 声音 4.13 77,231159 Weapon Sound Pack [SP/ FiveM] 1.6.1 Bywellalrightjacob ...
Weapon Limit Adjuster From alexguirre Siren Limit Adjuster From cp702 ModKitLimit Extender From Tanuki "Curiosity makes you experienced." Installation Path: mods/update/update.rpf/common/data About traffic density, if you choose the gta base traffic its same gta 5 traffic but you can add how ...
GTAinside is the ultimate GTA Mod DB and provides you more than 95,000 Mods for Grand Theft Auto: From Cars to Skins to Tools to Script Mods and more.
<fWeaponDamageMult value="1.0" />武器伤害<fDeformationDamageMult value="1.0" />变形系数<fEngineDamageMult value="1.5" />引擎碰撞伤害<fPetrolTankVolume value="80.0" />邮箱大小<fOilVolume value="8.0" />油耗<fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.0" />座位偏移<fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.0" />座位偏移...
MOD详情: 模型来自gtagarage网站,由于不满意部分移动版的武器图标,我拿了原作者移植的PSP版的图标来改 自己还鼓捣了一个加车插件里面地刺的图标。 使用说明: 将to data里面的weapon.dat放入 游戏目录/data里面 将to gta3.img里面的所有文件 导入 游戏目录/model/gta3.img文件里面 ...