Laser Gun (Turret variant)Includes: Plasma Cannon (Invade and Persuade Tank) General Info Description Stats Damage: Medium Range: High Fire Rate: Very High Rotation angle: 360 degrees Elevation angle: 0 to ~25 degrees Seen as the turret variant of the laser/plasma gun, it shares the ...
Up N Atomizer isn't really a laser gun, it more so fires pulse waves. Still a good gun. Has infinite ammo, no reload, and the recharge rate isn't to slow. Will kill a player in 2 or 3 shots and is a little cheap as it throws people into the air. By the time they fall and...
I wish I could say that with its latest update, GTA Online has jumped the shark, but it already has guns like the Up-n-Atomizer. Perhaps it's jumping another shark of at least equal size. Anyway look, you can now buy your very own portable laser cannons, as seen in the in-game c...
molatov 9mm 猎枪 tec-9 AK47 火焰喷射器 狙击步枪) 2.进阶武器 ↑ ○ ○ ↓ ← ○ ○ → (武士刀 遥控手榴弹 左轮手枪 矮小的猎枪 uzi M4 火箭发射器 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) 变态武器 ↑ X X ↓ ← X X → (Chainsaw 手榴弹 revovler 作战猎枪 SMG M4 minigun 狙击手步枪w/laser...
The Laser Sight is a device featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. It was also originally planned to be featured as an attachment in Grand Theft Auto V. It is a laser attached to the gun that points ...
29WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPEPSG-1 (.308 Sniper)286laser 8 30WEAPONTYPE_ROCKETLAUNCHERRocket Launcher287rocketla 7 31WEAPONTYPE_FLAMETHROWERFlame Thrower288flame 7 32WEAPONTYPE_M60M60289m60 7 33WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUNMinigun290 294minigun minigun2 7
(武士刀, 遥控手榴弹, 左轮手枪, 矮小的猎枪, uzi, M4, 火箭发射器, 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) 3.高级武器 ↑, X, X, ↓, ←, X, X, → (Chainsaw, 手榴弹, revovler, 作战猎枪, SMG, M4, minigun, 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) 4.获得$250000 L1, R1, △, L1, R1, ○, L1,...
Kaboom gun made long distant. Pressing menu binds while the menu is open will close the menu and reopening the menu will open it in it's previous state. Laser sight re-added. Plane aileron option fixed (code had somehow vanished).
(武士刀, 遥控手榴弹, 左轮手枪, 矮小的猎枪, uzi, M4, 火箭发射器, 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) 5a [![1 [.uxfT:,3.高级武器 L>4@Ky.3+ ↑, X, X, ↓, ←, X, X, → w`YM*-! ,(Chainsaw, 手榴弹, revovler, 作战猎枪, SMG, M4, minigun, 狙击手步枪w/laser 范围) QE)...
↑File:Rubbergun-GTAV-beta.png ↑Line 479 of GTA V's weaponfx.dat:# RUBBER BULLET VS GLASS # ↑File:VehicleLaser-GTAV-data.png ↑File:Hunter-GTAV-weapondata.png ↑ ↑File:Weapons-GTAV-HUDreticulescaleform.png ...