求助各位大佬,正版更新了,scripthookv都删了,ga 只看楼主收藏回复 卡尔约翰逊 路人甲君 4 求助各位大佬,正版更新了,scripthookv都删了,gameconfig也换成最新版的了,为什么还会闪退? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-07-27 22:01回复 创意工坊mo 亮了瞎了 9 根目录没清理干净 来自iPhone客户端2楼...
首先,我们来安装 dlc.rpf,如果你是第一次安装添加式的载具,请先自己新建一个目录:Grand Theft Auto V\mods\update\x64\dlcpacks新建好之后,我们将包含dlc.rpf的m4lb文件夹解压进来,大概是这个样子无论文件夹是什么,只要它里面包含了dlc.rpf文件,那么它就是放这个目录的;如果发这个Mod的作者或分享者,它只上传了...
GTAMOD 最新版 上限补丁 Gameconfig 配置文件 [适合 1.0.3351.0 版本] v33.1 00:29 GTAMOD 亚瑟·摩根的 山间小屋 [地图模组] 02:56 GTAMOD 总统抵达 洛圣都国际机场 [地图模组] 02:07 GTAMOD 总统车队 封锁公路街道 [地图模组] 03:57 GTAMOD 音乐制作人 奢华住所 自然风光 [地图模组] 07:44 GTA...
在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的GTA51.44版本可无限添加新增式载具上限的Gameconfig 文件(解决最新载具上限补丁出现无限载入问题) Mod,由修改DJ小良制作。3DM-DJ小良在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Additionally, you’ll want to replace GTAV_root/mods/update/update.rpf/common/data/gameconfig.xml with a version that supports more add-on mods. These can be obtained on GTA5modhub.com. Just take care to pick the correct game version files. ...
At first, this was created for my mpmod, as many people use various confusing gameconfig versions, so I provided this. If you want to access modpack in online mode, please read this linkhttps://github.com/MsLGXC/GTA-StandAIO Do not install other versions of gameconfig when using my mp...
Maybe it's the best gameconfig or being to. and it create for online so it workwell at mp(另一个被中国人所熟知的名字是所谓的"上限补丁") - GTA-gameconfigmp/ScriptHookV.dll at main · MsLGXC/GTA-gameconfigmp
Hello everyone, this is a temporary gameconfig until the one from F7YO is updated. Gameconfig by F7YO Don't forget to read the description for installation. IMPORTANT !!! Download: HeapAdjuster by Dilapidated Packfile Limit Adjuster --- Installation --> mods/update/update.rpf/common/data 首次...
https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/gta-5-gameconfig-300-cars Packfile Limit Adjuster by Unknown Modder: https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/packfile-limit-adjuster THIS MOD IS NOT TESTED WITH THE EA VERSION AND FROM WHAT I HAVE SEEN IT IS NOT YET COMPATIBLE WITH THAT VERSIONS FILE SYSTEM!
So, for some reason, i cannot replace the gameconfig file in open iv. At first i thought my game was broken in some weird way, but now that i think open iv is broken. Is there anyway to replace the game config files without using open iv? I know i can edit them manually, but i...